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My new scope


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After long deliberation, I have made one small step for me ,One giant leap into Astronomy .New scope arrived yesterday , big thanks to FLO and especially SteveB, brilliant fist class service. Scope details, Skywatcher Explorer 200P DS OTA , sat on a HEQ5 pro . Not had a chance to use it yet , cant wait for clear skies , Well back to work for me , my wish list is getting longer by the day and my pocket is getting deeper and deeper. Once again thanks to FLO

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After long deliberation, I have made one small step for me ,One giant leap into Astronomy .New scope arrived yesterday , big thanks to FLO and especially SteveB, brilliant fist class service. Scope details, Skywatcher Explorer 200P DS OTA , sat on a HEQ5 pro . Not had a chance to use it yet , cant wait for clear skies , Well back to work for me , my wish list is getting longer by the day and my pocket is getting deeper and deeper. Once again thanks to FLO

Congratulations. As Capricorn says, learn how to Polar Align it and set it up. You can practice this in the daytime in the house. Make the setting up part of the enjoyment of it, don't view it as a chore.

I might get one of those OTA's as well.

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Congratulations on a great set up and I will guarantee that it will perform to your expectations without a doubt. The Skywatcher instructions regarding alignment have fallen victim to quite a lot of criticism in the way they have been written though I have to say that I didn't find them a problem and was probably due to me reading through them half a dozen times using my own labels (post-it notes) to remind me of the different parts of the mount until their description became second nature. As capricorn has already stated above, rehearsal is the key as none of this is really difficult, its just unfamiliar. The way the weather is playing out, I don't think you are going have any problems finding enough rehearsal time! :grin: :grin:

Great choice on your setup and if you experience any problems then tell us about it so that we can help sort it out.


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