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Hi from Milton Keynes isn


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Hi all,

long (3 years?) lurker here finally decided to bite the bullet and join! I used this site when selecting our first (real) kit, a skywatcher 200p, thats still serving us well.

However I've recently got the imaging bug and try as I might I cant quite get the hang of it just by reading so time to ask some questions over the next few weeks; hope I'm not too much of a pain asking the same old questions that have come up a million times!

Have taken a few, some good,


some not so good!




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Thanks for the welcomes and kind words about my photo efforts. Not my first shots - the first were full of bright lines wriggling everywhere, followed by lots of photos of scope covers, feet and a rather nice one of the sky taken as the camera fell off the scope!! I'm quite pleased with one of M27 - I think it's the first time I'd set the mount up well enough for a goto to centre any object smack bang in the middle. Only took 3 years to get there.

Still the lurking is over so I'll probably start posting questions at the weekend.

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Hi Andy and welcome to the forum. Lurking is fine but participation is by far a better option, so don't worry about asking silly questions or questions that have been asked before - we're all here to learn and the more information you can pick up, the more you will be able to pass that on to other people starting out! - (...well that's the theory anyway :grin: :grin: )

Clear skies for now (...great images by the way!) and enjoy the forum.


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