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Colours in the dust.


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Perhaps my favourite object, NGC1333 in Auriga. This has a ridiculous amount of data in two telescopes. The main widefield is from the Tak FSQ85, 7 hours Luminance and 2 hours per colour. To the luminance Layer I added 7 hours L for the main nebula from Yves' 14 inch which is also working on this target in close up. And to the RGB I added 6 hours colour in Bin 2 from our first light image from the ODK.

I tend to flounder with these dusty targets when it comes to processing so this has had a heathen mixture of techniques. Oh well! The long FL version from the ODK still needs lots more data because the dusty stuff is so faint. That will follow if we're spared...



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Very cloudy, i have had to search this as i had not seen it before and considering this APOD is from a 4m scope.....


Might fine job Olly :)

I like the fact you used the Tak with no reducer too :)

Heh heh, but they've out-resolved us, gotta face it!!! I thought the reducer would give too much of a FL mismatch with the Yvesmobile but with hindsight doing the L at native and the colour at F3.9 might have been a plan. This stuff is SO faint. I have no idea how Pieter did his version down here last month with so little data, but it was good.


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Heh heh, but they've out-resolved us, gotta face it!!! I thought the reducer would give too much of a FL mismatch with the Yvesmobile but with hindsight doing the L at native and the colour at F3.9 might have been a plan. This stuff is SO faint. I have no idea how Pieter did his version down here last month with so little data, but it was good.


The resolution power of a 4m telescope is pretty hard to match with a ~355mm (14") telescope and the Tak. But you did a brilliant job with that image, it's absolutely stunning!

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I have no idea how Pieter did his version down here last month with so little data
I think you're mistaking Pieter's targets with mine. I captured it with the FSQ-106ED @ f/3.6 last month when I stayed with you. I got my inspiration from Leonardo Orazi. His contrast between the nebulae and the background is very good. Maybe a little to harsh compared to "our" versions.

My version:




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Sorry Maurice, I think you're right. I've had a heck of a lot of late nights recently! My apologies. Leonardo's very skillful image is not what I'm trying to do but I admire his mastery of technique. I look forward to finding out a bit more about how you got so much image from so much less data than I had to play with. I need to expose for ever and a day before I can get anywhere with this kind of target. I think I'm missing something.


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No need to apologise Olly. I don't know if you are missing something. No "special tricks" were used while processing. I think the key is to put your effort in luminance and stretch away with the colours. You can excessively "denoise" or blur your colour layer, without causing troubles on your combined L-RGB.

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