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ASIGN Observatory II is back on track!!


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Sorry it's been a while since my last update. Lots of building materials have arrived so it looks like I'm going to be a very busy boy for a few weeks now! Here's what's happening:

Inside fitout begins.

It's been a big week for the observatory this week. I was able to purchase the thin plywood interior wall panelling and even cut some to size and fitted two sheets.

I tested a corner of the cypress slabs I picked up last week by belt-sanding them with some 40 grit to get the saw-marks out of it, then rubbed some raw linseed oil into the test-patch to see the colour. The yellow-gold natural colour takes on a rich red-gold.

I applied by letter to my local government for a large log that one of their services had a stockpile of. To my delight, they approved and happily donated a log.

I found a magnificent pine log, well seasoned with the bark just falling off it. It is my intention to cut it four ways down the length, to cut a post out of the middle of it. The post will be kept aside while the rounded slices will sandwich around the centre pier downstairs, making the pier look like a big tree-trunk. This will then be sanded and rubbed with raw linseed oil, as will the stairs and handrails.

Link to construction page here.





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which I was able to spend at Fletcher Insulation in Hume on a few bags to insulate from heat and sound. It is instantly cool in there now and OOOHHHHH SOOOO QUIET!!

Living in Scotland that just sounds so wrong! :)

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Really something i like is working with wood, i have in the past made several spiral stair cases and whilst regulations around the world might change there is one that will never alter, the distance from the ground floor to the top of the first stair and then all the other stairs being the same distance apart including the last stair at the top, the simple reason being,,,,if you were to blindfold a person and let them walk down the stair if the bottom stair were a different distance to the floor they would fall over, and anybody behind them would do the same, take this a stage further and the place is full of smoke and a fireman with a person over there shoulder they relied on the steps being evenly placed, so good luck with your build but just make sure the steps are all the same height.....

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1. Cut the hole through the inside and outside walls to fit the tubing for the air conditioner. Cut some steel mesh to size and fitted inside to keep the insects out. Sealed with silicone.


2. Built a small roof over the air-con outlet to stop rain from entering the tube.


3. Air-con fitted into the wall.


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Looking good Baz ,

I kinda think that the wall panels are going to look a little 'tacky' against the beautiful Cypress staircase though . . . :rolleyes:

They'll be fine Steve. You are not the first person to voice that opinion mate. I like them and I think that when the cypress is oiled and therefore darker, they should blend nicely. Besides, there's not much else around that cheap that can be bent to form with the curve of the wall. The good thing about this stuff is that if I ever want a decor change later, I can just paint them.


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Hi, Baz. Meant to ask you - what's this ''holder'' at the end of your main imaging scope? Is it stop focuser slip and hold the weight of the CCD since the tube is very extended?

Yes mate. It was a quick-fix that was effective for a while. I've since had an engineer fix the focusing mechanism so that it is more solid and now doesn't need this, "holder".

Unless you can fly, how did you take this photo? :D

I work as a tree-surgeon. One day when I got dropped off home for lunch, I raised the elevated work-platform on the back of the truck to take this shot from the kerb.

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It must be an effort to put the same posts on so many sites as you do.

Why not just update a single site and point to that ?

Because most forums don't like you repeatedly spamming their pages with external sites that take you away from the forum you are posting on. If people are looking here, it is more convenient for them to see it here and stay here. It's like an unwritten courtesy. In some cases it is written.


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