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ASIGN Observatory II is back on track!!


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Quick update.

I poured a concrete path to lead into the observatory off the main path.

I've been collecting bits of wood on the job at opportune trees we remove or prune. It's taking some time, but I've got some nice bits for handrails and banister. I still need three posts 2.6 metres x 100-150 mm in diameter for the stairs.

Getting there.




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Seems like you're evolving into a proper astronomical centre. Radio telescope mounted on top of the dome considered for the future? :D

Great obsy really!!

Thanks Gina. I used to have a radio telescope tuned in to listen to decametric storms on Jupiter, but I never really followed up with that hobby. I have too many already!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Finally I have a finished banner and some variants for the observatory's website to give it a fresh new look. My graphic artist has been tirelessly working with me to come up with a concept together then work his magic!

He's given me a fully-rendered banner, watermarks for the new photos out of the telescope and stuff for embroidery, mugs, t-shirts or whatever!

The new banner is on top of my page below. I'm very happy with it!

As I publish the other variants, I'll show them off.


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I've run out of money (looks like for quite a while now) so all I can do is the jobs that cost nothing. Today I sanded down another log for the stair supports then started digging the garden bed. The quality of the dirt is rubbish so I'll have to get rid of it and replace it with some good soil. I also have to dig two trenches in it, one for the drainage pipe near the wall to lay in, plus another on the outside of the bed to run a row of rocks in for the edge.

1. Sanded down log for stair support


2. removed the lawn and weeds to expose the bare clay.


3. Digging in the trench near the slab's edge for the drainage pipe.


4. Starting to lay in the rock edge.


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Great job, Baz. Getting better everyday. Curious yet ignorant question, if you're doing long exposures, say, 2-3 hours, do you need to move the dome manually to keep up with the FOV?

At the moment yes mate. It rolls well, if a little heavy. My intention is to bolt a car-winch motor with a pneumatic tyre up against the dome ring to turn it for me. Until then, pushing it is OK.


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Got busy today and dug the trenches all the way around for the drainage pipe and a row of border rocks.

Started on cutting the underlay to size for the obs and laid it in on the top floor, ready for carpet tomorrow.

1. Garden bed


2. My home-made compass for drawing big circles...


3. Underlay cut to size


4. Relax'n with an ale at the end of the day on the quiet underlay.


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Finally!! Work has started on the stairs!

The builder's carpenter turned up today and together, we plotted out the stairs. There's a lot to watch out for with building standards, made even more challenging by the curve. Stair calculations are fairly simple though, once you get the hang of them. I just happen to be doing a tertiary course right now and just last week, we had an assessment on stair calculations. Coincidence? I THINK NOT!! ;)

With it all marked out, this week I'm going to crack on with cutting the support posts, fitting them and cutting the hole in the top floor larger to stop people from hitting their heads as they ascend the stair.


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I have made a couple of spiral staircase in cottages, there nice when there finished but the saying " measure twice cut once" really does come into play.....your work so far is excellent so no reason to think the stairs won't be that way either... lovely Obby....:)

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I have made a couple of spiral staircase in cottages, there nice when there finished but the saying " measure twice cut once" really does come into play.....your work so far is excellent so no reason to think the stairs won't be that way either... lovely Obby.... :)

You wouldn't believe how many times I hear that phrase on a day-by-day basis!

Thanks mate!


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