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Is there a problem with my mirror?

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Hi there I wonder if anyone can help?

Got a new SCT last week and as there has been no sky I turned my attention to admiring what's down the other end of the scope...and noticed what looks like haze and smudges covering about 1/3 of the primary (without shining a torch down there)!

On investigating with torchlight it looks like a complete mess - lots of dust and smudges.

The manaufacturer and the retailer say this is normal but I would really appreciate some further opinions. I'm not really worried about what shows up with the torch, it's the fact these can be seen with daylight.

My query is: is this normal/acceptable for a new scope costing > £2,500?

Pics attached.

Many, many thanks





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It probably wont matter ... but as you say! For £2500 I'd want a clean mirror :angry:

If I paid a tenner to buy one to shave in I'd take it back if it was that grubby!

Plus ... that could be acidic which will damage the coating over time

Just my opinion

Good luck with what you choose to do

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If this is brand new i would personally take it back. When i got my newt the mirror was sparkling. I think this will probably effect the scopes performance. You can get away with an amount of dust, that is natural, and wont make a great deal of difference. Bu that seems to be very excessive.

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Hi Ya LLsandeLL, just a thought - the QC on the SCT scopes is not the best - but I would have thought that surely this shouldn't slip through the Quality Control (QC) check. Did you place the tube assembley indoors when you looked down the tube - only there only has to be a slight temperature difference between the inside of the tube assembly and the outside temperature and even in daytime dew starts to form - not everyone realises that its the difference in ait temp that produces dew - it can look very strange when dew forms - like a spiders crawled accross the mirror.

Also the humidity of late has been very high due to the warm moist air - if you can - leave it outside for a while or even inside and let the temperature equalise between the "outside" and "inside" of the tube assembly - it may settle down after a while, if so, its nothing to worry about its one of the drawbacks of an SCT enclosed mirror/lens system.

I've owned a couple of SCT's - really the winter months are the best.

Don't know if this is the problem but when you mentioned haze in your post, dew came to mind. Regards Paul.

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Yeah, I agree. It's not clear what those marks are and they shouldn't be there. If you're told otherwise: fight it! Tell them that you've seen multiple SCTs and not noticed this sort of thing. If you're in the shop, look at others in the shop to make your point.

It could a be a coating failure and you may be left with the hassle and expense of a re-coat in 2 years time. Worse still, it could be damage to the mirror surface itself during assembly.

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I can only echo what has already been said, I just got a 250pds from FLO and the mirror is shineyer than a shiney thing being shone at by a shiny object,

But seriously if you dont get satisfaction name and shame them, that will cost them more in the long run. and there's always the sale of goods act 1979 which states that "The purchase of any goods must be fit for purpose" this also includes to a certain extent second hand goods unless specified to be of poor quality or broken in any advertisement or agreement.

In my opinion this scope is not fit for purpose.

Hope you get it sorted to your satisfaction.


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That scope isn't new - probably a return or a shop window model - I'd never accept it in that condition and I think I'd be a bit upset with the retailer for trying to con me. I would demand my money back and spend it elsewhere - they'd have to come up with a really good reason for me to accept a replacement from the same place. HTH :)

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  • 4 weeks later...

Thanks for all your replies guys.

I'm getting it replaced with something else without really getting to the bottom of it all.

When I had a good chance to observe I tested it on a star to discover collimation was out and the mirror flop seemed quite excessive too. All in all it's in pretty bad shape...despite it being packed pristinely. Must have taken a fall somewhere.

Wish me better luck next time !

Thanks again



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Hi LLsandeLL, I can only add my weight behind the folks advising you return the 'scope and demand a replacement. I had a quick look at my 7 year old SCT and its still perfect inside, you should not accept anything less than spotless from a new item. Any problems contact your Trading Standards.

Hope the replacement comes back soon.



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That scope isn't new - probably a return or a shop window model - I'd never accept it in that condition and I think I'd be a bit upset with the retailer for trying to con me. I would demand my money back and spend it elsewhere - they'd have to come up with a really good reason for me to accept a replacement from the same place. HTH :)

I tend to agree. That looks like grease on the mirror to me. It looks like someone did a very bad job of cleaning the mirror for re-sale "as new".

The mirror on my SCT was so clean (still is) when i bought the scope that you could eat your dinner off of it.

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