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Proud new Skyliner 200p owner!


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A very good afternoon to you all!

As per the title, I finally got around to purchasing a telescope after many years of being interested in astronomy and the cosmos.

Unfortunately, the weather here in Donny has not been so kind, and I’ve not even had the scope outside yet! I’m gutted and can’t wait to use it and post a first light report!

However, I’ve done my best in making use of this downtime by practicing collimation, which I must admit I wasn’t too keen on from reading some guides, but then I was pointed to a fantastic guide by Astro Baby.

So off I went, Allen key and screwdriver in hand and collimated it…Well kind of…For the life of me I couldn’t get the cross hairs on my Chesire Collimator to line up with the 2 (perfectly aligned) dots in the middle.

So last night, I decided to read Astro Baby’s guide again, and again and again until I felt I could do it without the guide there. So I completely restarted the collimation process and practically removed the secondary so I could move it by hand. Was nervous at first but it was a doddle. The primary only needed the slightest of nudges on one screw and I got this.


Not bad if I do say so myself!

If anyone was like me and was dreading collimation, please don't, it's painless, quite easy, and educational (I pretty much feel like I could take the scope apart and rebuild it now).

All the best!

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Congratulations on the scope and when you are finally able to let it loose on the stars you won't be disappointed. Collimation isn't that complicated, its just a matter of getting the process embedded in your head so you know what to look out for etc. Glad that you gave it a go and as they say, "luck fortunes the brave" so good for you for trying. Just have to learn now how to collimate the clouds! :grin: :grin:

Clear skies


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That's a great scope you've got and well done for getting stuck in with the collimation. Practising things like that makes it second nature and alot easier to do when you visit dark sites.

Welcome to SGL. :)

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Hi mate from one newcomer to another. I'm ordering the same scope for delivery, hopefully, on Thursday. Collimation was worrying me but after reading your post and seeing the pic it doesn't seem so frightening now.


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