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Hi, my name is John and i've been visiting the stargazers forums for about a year and a half, i figured it was hightime i made a contribution and share some of my experiences.

I've been a stargazer for as long as i can remember. Owning a cheap pair of binoculars i'd sit and wander the skies at night with only the scantest idea of where and what i was looking upon.

That is until i discovered a program i know many of you are aware of, Stellarium.

My sky was transformed...

Despite the light pollution around the glasgow area (although orignally hailing from a darker sky - long story), it was on a very clear night, thanks to stellarium, that i managed to view a tiny misshapen point of light.

That tiny misshapen point of light was Saturn, it was a sight that will never leave me. That point of light was a whole other planet! I had to see MOAR!

So yesterday i took receipt of a Skyliner 200P Dob, after reading many posts about firsts scopes and budgets. So i decided that the 200P would be scope enough to last a good long while and a solid platform to experience what i've been missing, also being a bit of a step up from my binoculars.

As i have read so many times on these forums, each and every new Scope is prepackaged with an ultra-mega-super-sized side of cloud cover. I too have come to feel the "pain" and "frustration" of this extraordinary occurence. quick question, does the cloud cover begin seeding upon completion of the transaction or when you break the seal of the packaging ?

hope your skies are clearer than mine :)

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I don't know about Scotland but in England, the clouds seem to come and stay even when you THINK of getting anything to observe the night sky!

And welcome to the forums!

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Yo dude, best scope out there bang for bucks. The sky gods look down,anyone with a new scope is pointed out with the fickle finger of fuggy clouds.My 200Skyliner fits between the back seats,then it's off to Skye,nice.


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Hi and welcome from me wow wee that is a big step up,I bet you will have some great views when it does clear the 8 inch s. a good and popular scope Saturn with a bit of power you should see it in all it's glory I am yet to see it this year

The pre packed cloud s about 3weeks worth

Cheers Pat

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