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Did anybody see the ISS last night?

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Was out observing with Greg and Kevstar last night. While setting up, we saw a bright light moving across the sky that actually shone through the cloud :shock: When it entered clear sky it was extraordinarily bright! The way it curved across the sky and increased speed overhead suggested that it was the ISS. We fired up Starry Night and sure enough, it was. But, it was travelling with a couple of other satellites! All three were in very close formation so they appeared as one very bright object.

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Hi Steve

I saw the 11.20 pass (I believe there was an earlier one ?9.45). Incredibly bright (I'm lousy at estimating magnitude but at least -3) and we had clear skies in Glasgow last night. Travelling W to E and dimming rapidly as it transited across the sky.

Cheers, Martin

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I had a printout from Heavens Above ready last night and I was hoping to see both passes but unfortunately thick cloud got in the way. Of course when I got up this morning it was clear and sunny... :(

I guess the cloud I had drifted over to you guys...


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I saw the 11:20 fly past in Chester. Was an amazing clear night last night as well...with the milky way and andromeda clearly visible. The ISS though totally blew me away as i havent got my large 8" scope yet. It was amazing as it approached as at first it looked like a plane or planet..lol. When it gets directly overhead it appears incredibly low down in the sky, moving much slower than higher satellites. Well worth looking out for it!!! :):(

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There is another pass tonight from my location (S Essex).

Starts at in the west at 10:31 and finished in the East at 10:34. Seems like a long time.

AND it is supposed to be clear tonight - or at least thats what the Beeb says :(


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I saw both passes last night (10.08 and 11.42). First was a lot brighter than the second although neither was brigher than Tuesday nights. Looked at it throguh my shakey hand-held 10X50's and good definitely see two lobes of light. Really gives me a buzz knowing what it is. :(


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