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Hi everyone my name is Richard and I'm a complete newbie from Southampton, England. A family member bought me a Skywatcher Explorer 130p for my birthday in march. I'm assured this is a fairly good newbie scope and so far on the few cloudless nights we've had I've managed to start learning the ropes with some amazing views. I've found the topics and conversations on here infinitely helpful in getting started and thought it was about time I actually registered.


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Hi Richard

Welcome to the forum.

Nice present you received there. Glad your enjoying the views.

The night sky is wonderful isn't it?

Good to read you're finding the forum of some help. Anything else we can help with just ask.:)

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Hi Richard and welcome to the forum. To help find objects and to generally learn the constellations etc, you may want to look at this free piece of planetarium software called "Stellarium". It's very popular here on the forum and there are plenty of features to keep you occupied when the clouds come in. One of them is the advance date/time feature which will let you see what is coming up and when. Very useful if your view is obstructed and you want to know when Saturn is going to appear from behind next door's rooftop!:):D

Clear skies for now and hope you enjoy the forum.


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Thanks for the advice guys. I've bought a couple of different eyepieces, the two the scope came with are very good but two felt a little limiting, fortunately these were very inexpensive and add a new dimension to viewing the sky, can anyone recommend any other equipment that might be useful? I'm told Barlow Lenses are worth having on board. As far as software goes I'm a hardcore Linux user so I'm more or less limited to kstars which so far is doing a superb job keeping me orientated. Once I feel a little more comfortable with the basics I'd like to take a crack at some photography, I'm told the Philips spc880 is a good and inexpensive place to start are there any strong opinions on this webcam either good or bad?

Sorry for the barrage of questions. Any advice or opinions will be very great fully received.

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