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Nik Harries

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Hi everyone, my first post in the forum having joined yesterday.

A bit about my background I suppose, I'm a research scientist who also does photography semi-professionally. I've always been interested in photography and in astronomy and, so far, have just about managed to stop myself getting into another expensive hobby although looking at the stunning images on this forum, I think my will power is about to cave in and my wallet is about to take a serious pounding!

I've been wanting to get my first scope now for quite a while and what a minefield it is. I didn't realise just how much choice there was even in terms of the types of scopes available. It's a shame that there really isn't one type of scope that does all things well from planetary to DSO, requires virtually no maintenance, easy set-up and compact! Asking for too much I know. I've done a lot of research into it as I want to make this purchase (and it will be pretty significant I'm sure) the correct one for all the right reasons.

I started off wanting a Mak127, then changed my mind to the Skywatcher 200P reflector and have finally (hope so anyway) decided on an Evostar 80ED DS Pro. The 200P was just about perfect but the phsical size of it made me think just how much I'd really use it, shame but the Evostar is a great compromise I think. My main interest will be imaging but also a lot of gazing with mouth aghast in awe. For the mount, this is where your advice will come in handy, can I get away with an EQ5 or would the HEQ5/EQ6 be the better option, particulary if DSO's will feature heavily so longer exposure times etc. I think I already know the answer but just preparing myself to have to part with a few extra hundred pounds!!

Anyway, off to collect my copy of "Making Every Photon Count" and start reading some more.

Many thanks in advance.


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Hello Nik and welcome to SGL!! The HEQ5 is the minimum mount for serious astrophotography and the EQ6 would make your setup future proof. In imaging the mount counts about 90% and the scope only 10%. The ED80 is an exellent scope and you will be able to do a lot with it.

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