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What have you caught going through your field of view?


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We were moving , into an outbuilding, at work, been empty for a bit, It had a sink, n cupboards in a corner for Tea n coffee. As we were lugging stuff into the office, there was a scream from the kitchen area, we rushed to see one of the girls just standing by the sinks, stiff as a board. She was cleaning the sink, there were cups there that hadent been washed for a bit, she picked up a cup to wash and she thought there was an old tea bag in the cup, as she picked it up, it crawled onto the back of her wrist, then the bat flew off.

Thats when we heard the scream.

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I had this when playing just with the DSLR and 18mm lens:


I'll see if I can dig it out when I get home from work but I took one last week and I captured either two satellites or a satellite and a meteor in the same image.

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Hi all , loads satellites, other week had a strange object in Cygnus while looking in the middle of it, a tiny faint star ? was moving up ward very slowly, i grabbed another ep for more mag but lost it trying to re-focus. also a passenger plane very low one night ,could see the cockpit lit up in blue, and all the passenger windows on side.

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Somewhere I have a widefield Orion photo. Running across the bottom of the frame is a broken line. Flashing aircraft light.

Visually once looking at the moon, a line of distortion slowly moved down the face. A recent contrail drifting in the high altitude wind.

Then the usual satellites, meteors.

Once had a spider inside a scope tube. But it didn't show up through the eyepiece so that probably doesn't count.

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A flock of migrating geese flew in front of the moon while I was setting up for lunar photos recently but I couldn't get my finger on the button quick enough to get the shot. I had just noticed in live view but too late. They were in V formation, would have been cool to have that.

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taking my stepdad on the moors and showing him stars had to be...the most funiest thing ive ever laughed at...i set his eyes on the poloris star then as i was moving him with my vision 'next star left is etc...go down 3 stars is etc'...he said ''wow this ones really bright''..thinking he was looking at the moon or a building i looked and he was looking directly at a car heading toward where we were...might not sound funny here...but at the time i couldn't breath from laughing lol

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I've had a share of strange sights..

o High-level planes on transatlantic flight paths, both against the Moon and against star backgrounds.

o Head-on commuter jet plane on final approach to the airport 1/2 mile away behind me - full HID landing lights followed about a second later by the roar of the jet engines. Mildly unnerving!

o Someone's head as I was engrossed in looking at something (possibly jupiter) not too far above the horizon, as they were coming up to look through as well. I wasn't expecting to see it disappear..

o Plenty of meteors

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