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If You had to Start all Over Again!

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I like hypothetical questions. And here I feel is a good un'

If you had to start all over again in Astronomy. What would you do different?

That is. Which scope would/should you have chosen. Which mount would/should you choose. Which eyepieces etc etc.

Maybe even you may have bought a house within a Dark Sky region. Or checked out the neighbours garden hedge shrubs/trees plans. Or even started building the observatory from Day One so it would have been finished by now.


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I bought a second hand LXD75 with a SPX 8" as a first scope then went on to an EQ6.

If I had to do it again I would buy an HEQ5 with an ED80 followed by a 200mm F4/5 newt as the initial setup. Then I would go onto the EQ6 whilst keeping the HEQ5 for trips to dark sites.

The SPX LXD combination was just wrong for me but you live and learn!

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i origionally bought a meade etx 70.... i would change that for a dob and TLAO

then i went to a EQ2, then EQ3-2 then kson eklipse

i would of wished id saved them and bought a HEQ5

and my 102ST i wish id gone straight for the megrez 72 instead

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I think I would do much the same. My own first scope might have had a better mount (but that would have required a bigger budget). Otherwise I am quite happy with my choices to date. As I posted recently, my telescope turned 15 last weekend, so it is clearly doing something right for me :icon_salut:.

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I started with a Meade ETX105. Optically it was very good but mechanically it was an exercise in frustration! And having GOTO meant I didn't learn my way around the sky. If starting again, for back garden visual astronomy, I would buy a six or eight-inch Dobsonian or Newtonian on a motorized GEQ mount, without GOTO.

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I think I would have done most things the same, except:

I wouldn't have bought a Spotting Scope for astronomy use.

Sky @ Night Magazine did a great disservice to readers by implying that Spotting Scopes were a good choice of instrument for astronomy. I do like my spotting scope for wildlife use, and may have bought one at some point in the future, but it was unfit-for-purpose for astronomy and drained my funds at a time when I should have made different choices.

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I would have taken one roll of practice film before having my one and only go at Hale-Bopp. (I lost second chances to cloud)

I would have saved real hard and got myself an OAG and autoguider more or less at the off.

I would also have needed a time machine or a very large wallet for many of the other bits I would have wanted.

If I was starting now I'd be stumped by choice!


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On EPs I would do pretty much the same.

On the scope, I was trying to keep it on the cheap side as I didn't know if the bug would byte. I would get a larger dob instead, as I live in a very remote location when I upgrade, I'll be pretty much stuck with my current scope as well. The shipping costs are just too high to resell and still get a half decent value for it.

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If you had to start all over again in Astronomy. What would you do different?
Well, I started in 1999. Since then SCTs have pretty much halved in price - and their drive/control mechanisms are better too. CCDs are better and cheaper, too. There are these things called DSLRs :icon_salut: and there's much. much more stuff on the internet (yes, we did have t'internet in the last century). There's also a lot more software available - both to control 'scope movement and imaging and also for image processing.

So, I'd probably buy today's equivalent of what I bought in my first 5 years and still have a load of cash left over for yet more goodies.

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Well I'd obviously move away from the orange glow ! Although LP is not too bad where I live.

I think If I had to start again I'd do it inside out, perhaps look at building an observatory (roll top shed) get familiar with the sky and finally purchase a scope.

It would be a refractor as (for me) I've never had that on my list of preferrred OTA, so it really would be a brand new start.


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My first scope I would have bought an EVO 120ED instead of a TAL 200K. Sold a kidney and had an EQ6 from the off. Invested in a box full of BST explorers & BGO's instead of spending a small fortune on premium EP's. Had a 12" dob with coma corrector rather than a 10" with out. O... and built the obsy 4' larger.

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I wish I had spent my eyepiece pennies on speer-walers rather than hyperions, not that I've ever looked through an s-w! :-)

The 4SE has been an excellent starter scope - I am glad I started with it.

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I think I'd have gone straight to dobs. I started with a 120mm f8.3 refractor and due to CA and lack of aperture, I then decided to try a 12" dob. after getting the dob I scarcely used the frac and when I got my 6" f11 I then decided there was no need to keep the frac and sold it. I still have that 6" f11 dob but also a 16" f4 dob too which is about as large as I will be able to afford for a very long time I reckon (unless I sell all my eyepieces).

eyepiece wise, I made mistakes initially but always managed to get most of my cash back and now have a nice set of eyepieces which will last me a lifetime and then some.

thankfully I never went down the imaging route, I realised very early on, it's just not for me.

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I spent the best part of 30 yrs in this hobby using a pair of 10x50 bins.

I dont regret that for one second because i have a very good knowledge of the night sky now. However if i was starting over..................i would not have left it 30 yrs to buy a scope.

P.S.~~for me,my 1st scope was a 90mm refrac on an EQ1. Seemed a great buy at the time when i bought it and great advise from the guys. However it didnt take me long to find out that a 90mm refrac on an EQ1 weighing a combined 28 Lbs................really wasnt the scope for a wheelchair user.

Live and learn.

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For a start I wish I'd kept the little 2" frac that my parents bought me when I was about 13.

It would have been nice to have hung on to it.

I also wish I'd tried a Dob years ago instead of messing around with GEM's most of my observing life.

I'm happy with my eyepieces and haven't bought any duds......yet. I have got a couple of shockers but they came with scopes.

I think that maybe I should've got a computer a bit sooner (only this year have I had one :icon_salut:) then I would've beneffited sooner from online stuff, like this forum.

Regards Steve

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