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Neighbours security light


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My neighbour has a security light over there drive which lights up the back of our house when it goes off, which does just clip the observatory.

Popped round to ask if they could point it down a little.

"yeah sure no problem is it going in to the kids rooms?"

"oh no but into my observatory"

"oh cool, like Brian Cox"

"well something like that"

"yeah ill do it now"

Cheers Bri :)

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My neighbour also has a security light in his back garden. Thing was, every time it came on, (very sensitive), the light would clip over the six foot high garden wall that separates our gardens. Oh no I thought, it's finally happened to me, aaahhhh, neighbours!! Anyway, I popped round and spoke to the lady of the house about my concerns and surprise surprise,...Yup, no problem, she said, I'll get my husband to sort it. He sorted it that very same day. :)

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Yup not all neighbours are anti-social scumbags !

Last week one of ours set a bonfire going... I popped my head over the fence and told her I was observing and she said sorry and dowsed out the flames. She said she normally looks at the sky and if its clear assumes I'm in my observatory, but this time didn't even think to look upwards !!

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In France - where the neighbours are a great bunch of guys and I have nothing but praise for them - I was especially chuffed when one of the English neighbours came over to look at Saturn, one night when the seeing was very good and you could make out a fair bit of detail. He stayed at the eyepiece for a good ten minutes or more, trying his hardest to pick out more detail. I was pleased about that: far from chiding someone for hogging the 'scope all the time, I was happy to have got him really interested. He told me it was the first time he'd ever seen Saturn as it 'really is' through a 'proper' telescope. Afterwards he complimented me on the steadiness of the view and my tracking - he hadn't had to tweak the controls even once. I was chuffed about that too.

But if I were asked to nominate someone for the 'neighbours from heaven' award, it would go to the French couple opposite, who go out of their way to lend a hand and are the quintessence of courtesy. I'm only sorry my French is so poor, I can't converse with them more fluently.

As for the possibility that neighbours might cause a nuisance over there - well it's never entered my head. It just can't happen over there as far as I'm concerned. I've learnt of the odd fracas between other neighbours in the village but I find the stories I hear hard to believe.

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He was in a band around 1988 the band --- was Dare
Thanks. Wonder if the "good prof" permuted the lyric / notes of "Emerald" (Thin Lizzie) on:

Dare - We Don't Need A Reason - YouTube A slight "influence", maybe? Not bad stuff tho'! :)

Out in the garden a few night ago. New (renting) neighbour was watching me, VERY suspiciously, from a darkened bathroom window. [LOL] He stays up all night (leaving all the other house lights on) with his "playstation" apparently... Felt like shouting: "I can see you!". :(

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and are the quintessence of courtesy. I'm only sorry my French is so poor, I can't converse with them more fluently.
Dont worry about it ol' chap :-

Some time ago I was fortunate to spend a year in Brazil in a professional/technical capacity, I was keen to learn Portuguese (this was a great opportunity for me having been classed as a duffer at languages in school), sadly I found it difficult to get them to stop practicing their english on me, beautiful people. Well, they had a tame englishman within their grasp and they all wanted to go on to uni in english speaking lands ! How could I deny them !! I came away with basic shoping and travelling conversation but that was all the practice I got . And I am sure that they were better served in the wide world with their skills in English than I ever was with my rudimentary Portuguese and schoolboy French.

Sorry, long waffle, but let us stop beating ourselves up with this multilingual stuff !

/soap box !

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Dont worry about it ol' chap :-

Some time ago I was fortunate to spend a year in Brazil in a professional/technical capacity, I was keen to learn Portuguese (this was a great opportunity for me having been classed as a duffer at languages in school), sadly I found it difficult to get them to stop practicing their english on me, beautiful people. Well, they had a tame englishman within their grasp and they all wanted to go on to uni in english speaking lands ! How could I deny them !! I came away with basic shoping and travelling conversation but that was all the practice I got . And I am sure that they were better served in the wide world with their skills in English than I ever was with my rudimentary Portuguese and schoolboy French.

Sorry, long waffle, but let us stop beating ourselves up with this multilingual stuff !

/soap box !

I should have explained: the couple I referred to, speak no English, and therefore French is the only option in conversation with them.

I've long ago given up trying to dissuade those French folks who do speak English, from practising their linguistic skills on us!

Anyway, sorry for going off topic!

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I think I have the worlds best neighbours- Mr + Mrs Nobody :) it is just me surrounded by lots of olive trees and oh yes a family of Barn Owls living in a derelict building 100 yrds away. All I want now are clear skies:(

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