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What a fantastic forum. My interest in astronomy began as a small lad in the 70's, and the first thing i read here was this...

Sky Publishing - How to Start Right in Astronomy

Which was good to read. I was so interested at that early age I read lots of books and learnt about the constellations and stars and how to find my way around using starmaps and guides. I had a couple of cheap telescopes, but found them to toy like, though i did have fun with them and remember viewing saturn and it's rings once. Had a couple of decent spotting scopes and always have a decent pair of bino's. So that interest has always been there, though waned for many years, until recently. I made friends with a local chap who's well keen, and he's been kind enough to lend me one of his older reflector scopes, so I can finally make that long awaited move into putting some of that stuff i learnt as a lad to good use. I'm not sure if i have the scope set up right yet, but i'm just going to have some fun for now and enjoy the prospect of learning more as I go.

Well, thanks for reading.

Clear skies!


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Hi Andy, Ive been interested for a very long time. I was once out playing as a lad and a pal told showed me the Pole Star. That was in the backstreets of Brum.... I remember looking at it for a short while as he explained to me it was very far away. I was impressed by his knowledge and awestruck by all the stars, I cant ever remember noticing them before that? anyhow, I still look up and shout out to my mrs when I spot something and am able to tell her what it is (AINT PHONE APPS CLEVER). Welcome

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