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Urgent!!!! Lets get some attention

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Hi guys & girls

didnt know where else to post this...

Sky News has an article on its front page about how wonderful UK & Ireland looks with all lights on in the dark, an astronaut took a picture which they are raving about.

Amazing Photos Of Britain Lit Up At Night Are Taken By Astronaut At International Space Station | UK News | Sky News

Im in the process of signing up to point out that the best light show isnt the one on the earth but above it.....


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I'll second that mate, i've only recently been interested in astronomy enough to justify the outlay for a decent scope but since doing so it's made me realize how pervasive and unnecessary outdoor lighting is in this country is (i'll also add god damned annoying,pardon my french). I just hope that when homo-sapiens finally leaves the room someone remembers to turn out the lights.:)

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I guess the various comments on the sky news site just illustrate what different views people take of light pollution.

Looking at those photos just depressed me to be honest.

I'd like to think 12 months ago before I started taking any interest in astronomy I'd have felt the same way, but I just don't know if the effects of all that LP on our ability to see the stars would have occurred to me then.

The photos are amazing, but chucking all that light out into the sky just seems "wrong" :)

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not that im a 'green - save the planet' person by a long stretch - but there is such hipocrisy (sp?? :)) about wasting energy, in almost every direction you look.

Whats a couple of recycled milk cartons when just down the road are 5/6 big floodlights constantly on?

this arguement could go on so il stop, in hope that I havnt hijacked this thread :)

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I can't help thinking in 25 years from now (if we're still here), the next snapshot from orbit is going to look like this:


"the future is bright", but I wish it wasn't :)

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I can't help thinking in 25 years from now (if we're still here), the next snapshot from orbit is going to look like this:


"the future is bright", but I wish it wasn't B)

Rob Lol

:).. you never know! :)

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If nothing else if everyone here 'reccomends' the 'light pollution is a bad thing' posts then it might help to redress a little of the balance.


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Reading some of the comments made me chuckle especially those who could only register their disgust assuming Sky included Ireland as being part of the UK (part of it is) nothing mentioned about the actual subject.....

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If you don't have time to register, at least "recommend" button on other people's comments that you think are good.

Depressingly, most of the highly recommended (thumbs-up) comments are for the irresponsible "yeah light it all up" brigade.

I think people need to get over the whole light pollution thing.

So it spoils your hobby, but it equally allows others to enjoy theirs - seems fair to me.

Wrong. Wasteful upward-pointing and un-shielded lights benefit nobody.

Floodlights at a sports ground or stadium - no problem with that provided they are switched off after the sports activities, not on 24/7.

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If nothing else if everyone here 'reccomends' the 'light pollution is a bad thing' posts then it might help to redress a little of the balance.


And mark all the ones from the idiots saying it's 'pretty' and to 'get a grip' over energy wastage as 'Offensive'.

And a big question.. Why do street lights have to be white or yellow?

Surely red LED's would be a much better option. I can see well enough with a red light on. It's fairly obvious people don't realise that they actually possess a decent amount of night vision when not getting blinded by high power lighting all the time.

Now if only the sun would co-operate and release some major solar flares to knock out our power grids for a while.. that would be good.. Maybe it's waiting for us to buy some portable power generators so we can still use our imaging gear and motorised scopes before it unleashes its fury. :)

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I think people need to get over the whole light pollution thing.

So it spoils your hobby, but it equally allows others to enjoy theirs - seems fair to me.

Ah.. maybe you're right. After all.. What would Britain be without hobbies such as this.


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I think people need to get over the whole light pollution thing.

So it spoils your hobby, but it equally allows others to enjoy theirs - seems fair to me.

I know you're entitled to your opinion but I cannot believe a fellow amateur astronomer would say such a thing! :)

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I think people need to get over the whole light pollution thing.

So it spoils your hobby, but it equally allows others to enjoy theirs - seems fair to me.

Just how is that fair??:)

If everyone goes about with an I"m alright jack attitude like that the world is gonna become a very sorry place.

So what your saying is, if someone is spoiling your fun as long as they're enjoying themselves that's ok?:)

Good grief.

I thought life was about a bit of give n take.

Regards Steve

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The media says that London is the worst light polluter, but look at Birmingham! Less of a footprint, but look how bright that footprint is!

It would be excellent if there could be a map overlay with this - I know there are some that exist already...

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