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Everything posted by Barry-W-Fenner

  1. Hi Stu, I managed to get a look at ISS, by total luck. I had the scope out from about 5pm so it was all set up. I came out of the back door to see a bright light travelling across the sky, it looked like venus. I managed to chase it with the finder then get it In the eye piece. I only had my 12mm bst in the focuser giving me x100 mag from the last time I was out, however I got a clear but short view of ISS. Stunning seeing that silhouette in the eye piece! Has it been going over recently?? I took a video recording on my phone last week of a very bright point of light travelling across the sky which again looked around the size and brightness of Venus. Baz
  2. Hi John. Did you use any type of filter to see the horse head? Is it another low mag target. Baz
  3. Excellent shots there Stu. You always manage to capture great detail with your equipment! Baz
  4. Just had a quick half hour bouncing around anything I could find between the cloud. The moon look excellent again such a rich object to explore. I haven't really watched its phase grown up until now, I am shocked at how much further over the shadow has moved from last night. The terminator is a lot further over! I will try and continue to watch the phase grow over the next couple of weeks. Also had a look at M45, big B, castor and pollux all at a fairly low x100 power. Wasn't much point changing eye pieces as the cloud consumed all. I just took in what sites I could! Baz
  5. I had a look at Sirius aswell earlier at X300 probably a bit to optimistic of me 😁 however it was very shimmery, I couldn't resolve it at that power. I might have another look later at about 150 or 200 mag to see if I can split!
  6. Just had a look at the crescent moon, it looks totally stunning. The terminator line is creating a beautiful shadow showing lots of detail. Venus also looking great at dusk, the phase very clear. I also located the trapezium around 6.45pm. It was really good seeing it without the surrounding nebula. Very unusual seeing the 4 main stars alone. Baz
  7. Thanks for the info John. Looks like this is a known issue for us dob users 🙂 It wont put me off wanting a 12" OO dob next though 🙂 Hope you are keeping well in these unusual times 🙂 Baz
  8. Ursa Major is in a bit of an awkward position for me currently. I am almost directly underneath it. Trying to adjust the dob pointing towards the zenith is doing my back in 🙂 I managed M81 & 82 a couple of nights ago but failed to locate them last nigh. I also tried M101 but had no joy with this either. I ended up packing up after this as I wasn't in the best mindset. I will certainly be up to attempt these again tonight thoug. Baz
  9. Really? I didn't realize they were this difficult to locate and see. There is a possibility I stumbled on them then but totally missed them. I have just put the scope out for another attempt at them later! Thanks all. Baz
  10. Thanks Mark. If the sky is nice again tonight I will take your advise and have another go. 🙂 Unfortunately I didn't get out last night 😞 Baz
  11. Just though I would drag this thread from the depths and say what an enjoyable read it is. Great job you have done there Moonshane on the base. You have got me thinking. I like to take my 200P out in one lift most of the time. I wonder if i can look to cut out any un-required wood out of the side panels of the mount to reduce weight without compromising it?! Baz
  12. Regarding the dew Shield, I primarily purchased it for lateral light blocking. Both of my neighbors have security lights which come on regularly due to foxes in and out of the gardens. Without the shield the contrast was getting washed out quite noticeably when the lights came on while at the eye piece. Not to mention it was quite distracting. With the shied it has blocked a considerable amount of this unwanted light. The only disadvantage is the added weight. Recently the front of the scope has started to drop slightly with the shield on so this is something I might have to look at. From a Dew perspective I have never had any problems with this from my location fortunately. I am sure I have read on here somewhere that ideally you want 8 to 12" in length for a light shield to be effective, this should assist in blocking out unwanted light traveling back up the inside of the focuser. Flocking wise. I purchased two rolls with the intention of doing the whole tube. I dont know if this is better than just doing the area behind the secondary and around the primary to be honest. It was just my preference to do the entire tube while all the components were removed. I definitely noticed the increased contrast after applying this, The whole inside of the tube is now pitch black, It took me about 6hrs to do the tube over 2 nights trying to do a nice job. As mentioned in a previous post The ring Nebula was clearer after the flock was applied but I dont know if that was down to seeing conditions, The flock or a bit of both. Hope this helps in some way, As mention I have been doing these fairly inexpensive modifications to try and combat light pollution as best as possible. It has become my Nemesis, Along with cloud 🙂 Regards Baz
  13. I have had a brief session viewing the double stars in Leo recently. I am having difficulty locating the Leo Trippe galaxy's. I am sure I am in the correct area but no joy. I am looking though low power, around x66 mag Would they be to small to view at this power? Baz
  14. To find M1 in my 8" dob would be a blessing! 😂
  15. Cool, I feel much better now having your experienced advise Stu. I agree that it is certainly hampering the viewing at present. Having said that how good has it been to get out and observe again over the last couple of nights! Baz
  16. I two spent some time on the doubles in Leo last night. I have not viewed them before. I could only really see them at x100 best as anything over that power was really wobbly. After viewing Algieba I had a little read about this double. this quote completely blew me away "At a distance of 125 light years, the two stars are about 170AU apart (four times the distance between Pluto and the Sun) What an incredible distance between them and you can just about split them!!! Excellent viewing Baz
  17. I managed some reasonable views of Venus, However stars at mag x150 and over for me were as you described Stu. They were the worse I have experienced and have me questioning my collimation. Viewing seemed ok at x100 and lower though so I assume it is just bad seeing, I hope?! baz
  18. Sorry Merlin, Just seen your post, yes that's correct it's coarse and fine. Its a nice focuser but it's taking me a bit of time to get used to if I'm honest, I am regularly over focusing the fine adjustment trying to get the best views and then needing to re-tweak. I'm sure I will get the nack soon enough.
  19. Excellent viewing John! The 12" dob really had a work out! I thought I did well to find M81 & 82 🙂 Considering how stunning yesterday was I also found the transparency to not be great. Another great day today so hopefully we all get another go tonight. Baz
  20. It certainly was the scope. The beers are always cooled at my place 🙂 Baz
  21. I think you could be correct, the sky is crystal clear and there for hopefully the transparency will be good. Seeing might be a little on the wobbly side though. However I for one am glad to get the opportunity to go out and view. Get to know there will be plenty of other observers out there also. I wouldn't mind a DSO night. I haven't had a huge amount of success with these so far, the LP is making life difficult. Anything in particular you are hoping to view? Baz
  22. Doesn't need to be fancy, the 200p is a great reliable choice. Mine really showed me whats up there and is a capable instrument. For that I will always be grateful for the humble 200p 😁👍
  23. John that OO 12" dob is pukka! I bet the views are ace. I would really like an Orion model next around that size. When I have fully explored the 200p I will consider looking for one and a more premium brand of eye pieces to suit. That said the 12" OO on ABS with steel track focuser for £600 has had me sweating recently 😁 How do you think the sky will behave tonight. It looks amazing out but in my limited experience I don't know if that is a good thing? Baz
  24. I have just fitted this skywatcher dual speed focuser to my 200p - well 2 days ago but the sky has been so poor I have literally had a quick peak at Venus and that's all. I am hoping to get to grips with it tonight. I would have liked a steel track or moonlite but I decided on the skywatcher as I only really require it for the added bonus of fine focus. Look forward to putting some miles it later. hope everyone get our for some viewing 👍
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