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Everything posted by Barry-W-Fenner

  1. That's on my to do list aswell Mark! I don't know how easy it is going to be with the moon being on full blast at the moment? Hopefully it's still up there on Monday!
  2. Same scenario here, the last two nights have been really poor. A stark contrast to the beautiful blue clear sky in the day. I have struggled seeing the major stars let alone any of the others. Maybe tonight will be better??
  3. Thank you. I will be using my 8" dob so hopefully have a chance of catching it. It might be wise to wait until the moon has gone below the horizon though as you have mentioned πŸ™‚ Baz
  4. I am thinking of having a search for this comet tonigh along with C/2017 - I havent seen any comets before, Anything particular I need to look out for? Regards Baz
  5. Indeed, But you have forgotten one thing. The wine coaster you was going to add! πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚
  6. Lovely looking scope the Bresser. They certainly look like they have a quality finish to them. On your small list of mods is there going to be a coaster for the wine glass?! I have one attached to my dob base for the Friday and Saturday night viewing! Cheers Baz
  7. Some cracking shots of this rare moon here chaps!
  8. Well something manageable. 12 or 14 maybe?! πŸ™‚
  9. It's getting whiter the higher it gets. Bit of a shame as I should be able to see it from the garden soon...
  10. Couple of very poor shots through the 76p..
  11. Anyone had chance to see tonight's moon. I'm looking at it from upstairs in the little 76p as it is still very low. What a sight, an orange /yellow orb in the sky! Baz
  12. Went all out today folks! A Β£2.29 Compass to stick on my dob base from Fleebay. I just hope it doesn't keep pointing towards the lead in my brain! Baz
  13. Seeing was fantastic around 7pm at dusk. Venus was the best I have seen it. The phase looked wonderful. I can't say as I have had any luck seeing cloud though. I backed off on the power from 300 down to 150 and although the viewing was extremely clear, any signs of detail evade me. After this I had a general look around the sky but the cloud slowly rolled in and seeing deteriorated. I viewed a few of the big stars, arcturus and big b but both were very poor. so I have now packed up. baz
  14. No joy with the Sirius split for me tonight. There's always next time. On the plus side, venus does look totally amazing at X300 possibly the best I have seen
  15. Thanks matey. Same here now unfortunately. Scope is all set up for some viewing and the cloud has rolled in. I was looking forward to getting out for a bit tonight as I missed the festivities last night... Fingers crossed it clears for us all, there is still time πŸ‘
  16. Just managed my best shot of Venus with the humble phone. Actually managed to focus and capture the phase for once. No glare. I got out nice and early so the sky was still bright. Not bad viewing at X300 mag. Baz
  17. Thanks John. Just got a great shot of Venus while getting ready for Sirius. However the cloud has rolled in big time now. Fingers crossed it clears up!
  18. Thanks John I will give that a go and report back 😁
  19. Some good stuff on this thread, Looks like you all managed to get out and enjoy the sky. I will definitely be out tonight! After all the positive results on the Pup I want to have a go later! Baz
  20. Seeing this thread has confirmed I have picked a bad night to stay in πŸ˜” glad you are all getting some excellent results at the eye piece. πŸ‘
  21. Hi Dr Strange. It does have some nice art on the tube. I had a read up about the art. It is supposed to represent galileo and his conflict with the Christian church. Baz
  22. The little 76p sits in the bay window! Now I have a small and medium dob. Just need something large! Watch this space πŸ™‚ Baz
  23. Great report there Stu. The moon is looking spectacular at the moment. Did you use any kind of moon filter for viewing? I was viewing the moon last night also and it is now getting to the point where its is seriously bright again. I think I might have to filter up tonight..
  24. Most people purchase two or three of a set. Being fairly inexpensive I purchased them all. I now feel like I have an eye piece for most requirements. I just need a 32mm 2" eye piece for events such as the Venus conjunction. John and stu kindly pointed me to a couple of options. I need to hunt the thread down as I can't remember the options! πŸ˜‚ I might also still purchase the? 3.2mm for x375 mag. However I doubt I will get many opportunities to use such high power. In short, the BST range get my thumbs up πŸ‘
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