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Everything posted by Barry-W-Fenner

  1. Plus 1 for the VP filter here.
  2. Sky looking seriously good here. Orion is coming round nicely into view. I will try to hunt Uranus down later.
  3. From my location. They are perfect for viewing from my garden. Now I really have got to help with the kids 😁😁
  4. Ive just sneaked out for another look at Venus at x240 with the visual polarising filter. The disc looks ace. Perfect gibbous! Now to help bath the kids before she who sees all kicks me in the jewels 😁😁
  5. Hope you get moving soon Stu. You couldn't ask for a much better view of these two objects though.
  6. I have also been enjoying view the moon and Venus with my Dob. Both look great with the sky still dusky. I have left the Dob out and hope to get back out later after dinner.
  7. I have been viewing Venus at either x150 or x240 mag through the 8" dob with a visual polarizing filter. Controlling the contrast to reduce the glare has made viewing the disc very enjoyable. That said with last nights sky haze I didnt need to use a filter at all to view Venus. Baz
  8. A very small break in the cloud expose's the young moon. Good to see it is still up there 😁
  9. Hi, I am also a fan of using a Non magnifying Rigel quick finder to get in the general location and then fine tuning with my RACI 9x50 - I find these two methods complement each other well. Baz
  10. Great write up SAS. Very productive evening with the big Dob. Out of interest what bortle was the sky you observed from. Regards Baz
  11. Looking good FTT. Just one ingredient required, A nice clear night sky! You will have to update us how it performs. Baz
  12. Ahh thanks John, I did look back through the thread but didn't seem to have any joy finding any on Mars for this year. I will have a read through the above. Baz
  13. That a couple of good shots Stu. I am amazed that you have managed to get the double Star (Alcor & Mizar) so clearly. I can just make the split out with my naked eye on a very clear night from my location. They are quite an interesting double through the scope. Baz
  14. Hi all, Would it be possible to advise what the best time of year is to view Mars please? It is viewable in the mornings currently but very low in the sky and positioned at the front of my house. ideally I am interested to know if it will be positioned to the South West later in the year for observing. I am yet to see this planet. Thank you Barry
  15. Initially I wasn't to keen on observing the sun, However I would now like to purchase some solar film and have a look. I am a bit dubious about viewing it however and need to do some reading up on it first.
  16. I think I am going to have to say Jupiter. As mentioned in another thread Big Jupiter has given me some happy memories, I look forward to observing it again this year and trying to explore it in more depth. Its 4 large moons are also a joy to see. Roll on when it is higher in the night sky. That said the moon does continue to make me say "wow" out loud when viewed. It is a beautiful sight to see. Baz
  17. Looks like I need to find my nearest dark site and take the 8" dob on a road trip. 🙂
  18. The more I read about dark sites the more I want to get out to one. I am struggling to locate DSO objects from my location and when I do they are rather underwhelming. I am fascinated to know how much more rewarding it is to view under much better conditions. Timing a dark site trip with a new moon on a clear night must be as difficult and rewarding as winning the lottery 🙂
  19. This is very true, I noticed that E was definitely easier to spot this time than when I 1st tried to spot it. Most likely the seeing and no moon were the main reasons but I was familiar of where to look for it so it wasn't to bad. F on the other hand you do have to work for! Great to find it though. so glad we have all managed to get out and enjoy the sky even if it was short, it's long overdue. Getting windy again here now. baz
  20. Got to love the irony in keeping cool in the greenhouse 😁
  21. Just been out for an hours viewing. No moon and good seeing and I managed both E & F at x150 mag. E was fairly easy to spot tonight with F popping in and out of view. I am chuffed to bits at spotting them! The rigel split was very easy to get tonight at x150! Managed some great targets in the hour I was out, a real quality bit of time at the eye piece! Baz 😁
  22. Its been a bright blue sky here for the last few hours, Now being swallowed up by grey cloud. It was pleasant while it lasted. Any how I have been told we are going shopping tonight now so no viewing for me 🙂 Baz
  23. To be fair now I have read through the comments John has pointed out roughly the right power required for these particular splits. Baz
  24. Hi JOC, I also have an 8" dob and used a 5mm BST to achieve x240 - I have managed to locate the F star with this set up. As mentioned above it literally is the smallest spec. No joy with E yet but I am hoping with the right conditions it will be possible. In another thread we have been speaking about eye pieces for splitting stars and I am considering the SW 4mm planetary eye piece to achieve x300 in my 8" - However this might not necessarily be suitable to spot the E star as it could be a big to much power. Baz
  25. Here's hoping! We are all over due some scope time. It really has been dreadful. It has been odd here today. Started out clear and nice, The black clouds and rain followed by clear any blue sky, Now its grey and grim again. No idea what it will do next. I am pondering purchasing the 4mm SW eye piece but I already purchased the 18mm BST this month. Not sure I can sneak another one under the wife's radar! 🙂
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