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Everything posted by Barry-W-Fenner

  1. I own the full set of bst eye pieces with exception of the 3.2mm they are very good performers for the money. The 8mm and 5mm are both very handy as the 8 gives me x150 and the 5 x240 a nice jump between the two. I think I am in the minority as I really like the 15mm but that doesn't seem to get much praise. I personally prefer it to the 18mm the 25mm was very nice for the M45 Venus conjunction last night. Baz
  2. I think I have managed to convert my wife. She's been using the 76p every night since we purchased it πŸ˜‚
  3. Anyone else getting ready for another look tonight!! Beautiful sky again today, quite windy here though hope that doesn't effect things to much..
  4. No joy for me Mark. I tried to split it. A bit optimistic of me with the 8" but as you say the sky's have been in our favour so it doesn't hurt to try! It's so bring though I'm not having any joy. Did manage E & F in the trap which is great. Had a look at regal b very low and a bit fuzzy. A new one for me though what the Iota tripple, its taken me a while to get round to viewing this but it was certainly worth it! glad everyone is getting some sky time! Baz
  5. Clear here and seeing is the best for a long time. Just looking at E and F in the trap! Tiny little specs but I got them 😁
  6. A pic at my lowest power x48 really wish I had a lower power to take this spectacular view in. Real chuffed with this shot..
  7. You captured some great detail there markse πŸ™‚
  8. Hoping for another clear sky tonight. I will give this a go. Looks like a fun!
  9. Fair play Jeremy, the weather was very clear at dusk and giving some good views. your setup looks great. Garden looks lovely to πŸ‘
  10. Here's hoping we get a break in the cloud shortly Stu. You look ready to rock and roll there! πŸ˜€
  11. Take it while you can get it John, it's long overdue πŸ™‚ Was enjoying the moon and Venus but it's wall to wall cloud now. I had a quick look at Sirius aswell, still struggling to resolve A here let alone a peep at B it's very blurry and producing the rainbow effect when slightly unresolved.. baz
  12. Been viewing the moon while it was getting darker. Naturally the cloud has rolled in and cover the sky. Had a very small break in the cloud so looked at Venus on through the pato doors with the little 76p what an amazing site even indoors, venus and a very small patch of stars! Great 1st bit of observation with the 76p! All cloud now though πŸ™„
  13. Evening all. Just had a quick twenty mins with the 8" dob before the cloud rolled in. I am still not familiar with the names of moon objects but I couldn't believe the height you could see in the curved mountain range tonight. It looked amazing and had a real sense of depth to the lip. The pics don't really do it justice.
  14. Great shot! Lets hope we get to see the conjunction tonight! Baz
  15. Excellent! I had noticed that Venus has been very close to the Pleiades recently. It should give some excellent viewing with them together. If this awful cloud bogs off! Baz
  16. Morning all. This little gem arrived from RVO this morning super quickly. (Thanks DPD driver πŸ™‚) I got an absolute bargain as it was a return because of a split in the box. the scope was wrapped up as new and never used. I am going to put this little fella on the large bay window and have a look around from indoors with it when conditions are not ideal for he 8" Well chuffed πŸ™‚
  17. I am not sure what the sky is going to do here. Currently very cloudy with some broken patches, It looks to be a nice sky in the clear patches a bit like the conditions we had end of last week. The clear patches are few and far between though, Do I set up the dob and hope to get a peak in between the gaps?!
  18. Hi Mike, This is the filter I purchased from FLO https://www.firstlightoptics.com/moon-neutral-density-filters/variable-polarising-moon-filter-archived.html Having the 1 to 40% contrast adjustment really helps to take away all the glare on Venus to show the phase. From a detail perspective, There isnt to much to see on Venus, But it does help to see the yellow and white disc better. I have read that it will be a benefit on Mars and Jupiter also but I havent had the opportunity to see these yet. It really helped take the glare from the moon also when it was full. Regards Barry
  19. It would be an amazing view. If the cloud would go away 😒 I managed a very brief peak at ISS last night at x100 mag. The silhouette was unbelievable!
  20. Afternoon all, I have just been searching threads on collimation and came across this one. Did you manage to resolve the issue? I ask as I have recently fitted a dual speed focuser to my 200p I to have a similar thing happening to me when I de-focus a star. It inst anywhere near as bad as yours to be fair, I am just losing a small slice on one edge, However it is the same shape as your 2nd pic. Recently my viewing has been fine unless I go upto and over x150 Mag, Then things are getting very blurry. I thought it was down to bad seeing however I am not totally convinced it is. If i use high power on Venus or the Moon x240 they both produce excellent views. it Seems to be stars that are blurry and have 1 of the 4 defraction spikes is much more noticable almost pulling the start tear drop shaped. I have collimated my mirrors with a calibrated laser and they seem ok, However if this is due to an issue with the focuser install then its all going to be out of line I assume. John- Where did you purchase your concenter from? I would like one of these as they seem an excellent solution for collimation of a newt. They are a bit on the £££ side though πŸ™‚ Davhei - I hope you managed to resolve your problem. (No pun intended) πŸ™‚ Any advice appreciated. Baz
  21. That will explain what I have been seeing go over then. I will have to check out when it is next due to go over and setup the scope. It would be great to get a longer view of it if I prepare well. Cheers stu
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