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Everything posted by Barry-W-Fenner

  1. I have added the Astrozap Dew shield to my 200p I find it really helped with lateral light intrusion. Baz
  2. Thanks John, being 82 degree would these be 2"? I am really curious now to see what the view is like with a quality eye piece. 🙂
  3. I see that on FLO aswell. I am sure it is a stunning eye piece but it really is one for the dedicated! Out of curiosity would I see much improvement with these Tele Vue eye pieces in my 200p over my budget bst pieces?
  4. Just though I would mention that the op mentioned the 200p as it is considered a classic and the appeal of it being close to the budget cost of £200. For the modest outlay of £90 more I genuinely don't think there is a pound for pound better performing telescope? Baz
  5. I am a huge fan of my 200p skywatcher and have enjoyed tinkering with it to improve its performance. I can appreciate the Bresser is mechanically the better scope, however I doubt it will outperform the 200p in a viewing capacity, I cant be certain as I have never used the Bresser but I would assume there is nothing between them visually. I guess you need to weigh up weather your husband would prefer the more expensive and refined bresser or the cheaper but just as rewarding 200p and have some change for better eye pieces ect... Baz
  6. plus one for the polarizing filter here. A very good filter for Venus! Baz
  7. Hi Wes, Nice report. It is pleasing to hear you managed an enjoyable session with the 8" dob. I to have a 200p and find it amazing for the money. Like you I view from very light polluted sky's, Around bortle 7-8 and am impressed what the 200p can find in these conditions. I have tried to mitigate the LP as much as possible by fully flocking the tube and using a dew shield to block out lateral light from my neighbors security lights and i did notice a difference in contrast when viewing. In mo opinion these were worth will fairly cheap mods which have increased my viewing enjoyment. Venus looks stunning at the moment, As mentioned above I have been using a Visual Polarizing filer to view it and it has really taken the glare away and shows the phase with all its colour superbly! Uranus is also a joy to see in the 200p - On a good steady nights viewing I have found it to be a stunning crisp green disc, i keep coming back to it whenever possible and really enjoy looking at it! I also can see a shade of green in the Orion nebula and have recently been trying to split the E & F stars in the trapezium. I have managed both stars on one occasion but it is quite a challenge. In summary the 200p is an amazing scope and very versatile, I have enjoyed many stunning targets with it and dont think I will ever part with it 🙂 Regards Baz
  8. I managed to see these Friday night. Very close together arround 3 or 4 degrees then. Seeing was quite poor though unfortunately. I really enjoy hunting uranus and viewing the clear gleen disc.
  9. Been out viewing for a bit. Seeing was very poor tonight. Managed a look at Venus and the near by Uranus but they were not great unfortunately. So a change of tack and down to low power for a bit of moon viewing.
  10. Moon looking totally ace again tonight. Such a beautiful object right on our door step!
  11. You will get there in time. As I am finding out patience and a good sky go a long way in this hobby. The ring nebula is not to bad to find in lyra but as Stu mentioned its not greatly positioned currently. It is more of a summer target. When I started I managed to find a couple of tough nebula such as the blue snowball and Eskimo nebula. However I found that the time it took to find these in light polluted sky's Brough much frustration. I have since decided to look for clusters and been splitting starts. I am starting to get a better understanding of the sky now and will look to find the more challenging nebula when at a much better location.
  12. I have been out viewing for a bit and can confirm Venus is much improved with a moon filter. The glare is considerably reduced. It's not as effective as the polarising filter but does do the job.
  13. https://www.firstlightoptics.com/moon-neutral-density-filters/variable-polarising-moon-filter-archived.html This is what I use on Venus and will be using on other planets also. Or there is the moon filter option but I am unsure how effective that is on Venus https://www.firstlightoptics.com/moon-neutral-density-filters/astro-essentials-nd96-0-9-1-25-moon-filter.html Baz
  14. Your 10" dob with the 4mm eye piece is plenty of power then. If you can aquire a filter your scope will give an excellent view of the phase 👍
  15. To give you an idea this is what I see without a filter at x240 magnification. Just like in your image Venus is very bright which is typical of this planet. With the filter applied I see the phase as similar to the above pics and sketches.
  16. Your 4mm looks to be showing Venus well. I don't know what scope you have but if you are getting x200 - x240 magnification with your 4mm I would suggest you are where you need to be in my opinion. the glare you are seeing is normal for Venus, it is extremely bright. If you have a moon filter you can attach this to your eye piece and reduce the glare which should help to show the phase of Venus more clearly. Personally I have been using a visual polarising filter on Venus which you can adjust the contrast. This has helped considerably to remove the glare.
  17. Thanks Stu. I was a bit annoyed that I clipped one side off, However I managed to get some decent focus and detail. Makes a change from the usual wobbly unfocused shots I tend to produce 🙂
  18. Nice to observe the moon in detail for about an hour last night
  19. I have enjoyed viewing Venus at x240 and at x300 with the new 4mm SW Planetary eye piece. I am finding these powers to produce a nice view of the phase. I am yet to try see and detail but will continue to try as Venus is still getting higher in the sky.
  20. As per the advice fron these forums, my 4mm skywatcher planetary eye piece arrived from FLO. I got a great deal on one 2nd hand. Look forward to giving it a try!
  21. Hi Mike, Very informative write up. Thank you. I will take this information on board when next viewing! Great sketch's by the way. I have noticed you were viewing at x463 mag. Was the planet clear at this power? Baz
  22. Congratulations, You will have the bug for it now. Venus has been a joy to view recently. Seeing the planets is a very rewarding experience, Seeing Jupiter for the 1st time will stay with me forever. Baz
  23. I am in the same boat as you Stu, I can see the phase very clearly. No shading for me either. Perhaps the longer I observe this will become apparent? Baz
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