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Everything posted by WanderingEye

  1. Yes, seems a bit harsh.. Mind you if I had one I would go for the green one.. 👍
  2. Yes, I tend to agree, but I do everything on an iPad Pro, so fine on that...I barely use my PC after buying this...find it superb 👍
  3. Facebook groups is getting very popular, there are many astro related ones now...
  4. I use this theme, as it’s much easier on my eyes I find....
  5. QHY are still going strong, but QSI were taken over by ATIK... 👍
  6. Ah, I thought I had missed it somewhere... 👍 Enhanced cooling is always welcome with these cameras..and when you look at other brands with integrated FW, this ASI is very competitive...in fact half the price...😀
  7. Maybe a stupid question, as I can’t see it says anywhere, but may have missed it, but is it 1.25” or 2” filter wheel..?. the difference of £550 for the 5 position filter wheel, seems a lot...or is there other enhancements, that are not mentioned...
  8. They should return to there origonal colour, a good few time’s, when put in microwave on low power for a minute or two, if not then they are probably no good, but if you bought new from FLO then they should be good....
  9. Well, good job there.... I cleaned my mirror a few years back and was very careful, and still ended up with a small scratch they could only be seen when shining a torch on the mirror, seems ok, just waiting for it to start pealing off or something similar and be ruined... 😮
  10. Is that fungus on the mirror or front corrector lens, if it’s the mirror, then great care is needed as they are not coated, and very very easy to scratch and ruin the coating... 😮
  11. Hi All, I am just about to embark on my pier build, (pictures to follow in another thread) and I will want to be able e to leave my mount on the pier, for days or maybe weeks at a time, so am looking at a really good cover, until I decide on ROR shed or Dome in the future... Now I know the biggest issue is condensation, which I really want to avoid, I Also know that to combat this you need good ventilation / airflow, so there are many covers on the market at a cost, and at a big cost at that, but there are articles on the internet about most of them saying that they still produce condensation, so is it worth spending over £100 for one of these covers or going down the made to measure route, of which I can get a waterproof lined breathable cover for £40, made to my size specifications.. I am want peoples views on which way to go, what benefits do the commercial covers have over the DIY bespoke route...are they better or not...or any other ideas on covers people have... Thanks for reading..
  12. Ah, I stayed there in a rented cottage a few years ago....very nice...
  13. Hi and welcome.. 😀 Where abouts in cornwall...?.
  14. Whatever you do take the image with the grey card outdoors on a bright day, with the sun behind you, don’t use any sort of false light...if no sun then Even on a cloudy day outside is better than a false light... Also if you use any sort of filter for LP and plan on using the white balance for astro images, then make sure the filter is in the camera when you shoot the white balance image.. I personally find the astronomik CLS filter superb as it was designed for use with a modded DSLR and so it corrects the WB really well without using a custom WB with you images...
  15. APT will work with the Mount, but not via EQMOD, as that is for skywatcher mounts, so you would have to use the IOptron Mount Ascom driver...or maybe the native driver will work too, am not sure on that...
  16. I think I read somewhere that with APT you have to connect the cameras in a certain order.....not sure if this would help...
  17. Hmmm, I don’t think you can or should use two instances of the Ascom driver, so as has been said, use the native, or the native on one and the Ascom on the other..
  18. @spikkyboy Wow, love it.... 😀😂
  19. Looks superb. its my dream to get a proper obsy one day..., but after reading many threads on here and other groups and forums, I settles on a ROR shed, but prefer the protection of a dome, but I read that they can suffer badly with condensation inside...not sure if this is correct, (assume it is as people would have no reason for untruths) but if so why does this happen with domes...??
  20. Four, wow, that’s over £2k, the eagle is not that expensive...surely... ?
  21. Can you send me a link to that forum, as I would like to join, but can’t find... 👍
  22. Hi, I use a Pegasus UPB, on my garden pier based set up, and find it superb, but I also have a Hitecastro Mount hub pro now, for my mobile rig, and that is also very good...so I guess it comes down to what you want to spend at the end of the day, there is, or was last time I browsed, a Hitecastro Mount hub pro on fleabay for a good price, it may have been ENSoptical who were selling, can’t remember..
  23. I was looking at getting one of these, until I read on the mount listing at FLO that although the payload is 27kg, it says for Astrophotography that should be reduced by a 1/3 so that means only 18kg which is less than the EQ6... so I was confused by this..any ideas why this is..?.
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