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maw lod qan

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Everything posted by maw lod qan

  1. Excellent ! What an unbelievable display of the power of Sol.
  2. That is an excellent image! Any idea the vertical height of that wall? I envy those who will eventually colonize the Moon. The sights they will get to behold. They might not admit it but I'm certain every one will take a moment to just stand there and go, WOW!
  3. It's definitely hit and miss here in the states. With all the household items I've bought and had delivered, even those almost went to the neighbors house. Turn on street at firestation. It's the first drive to the right, directly behind the firestation. YOU CAN'T SEE THE HOUSE FROM THE STREET. Right not left! Any four year old knows if you hold your hands up with your thumb out, the one making an L is LEFT!
  4. And of course, following with astronomers curse, today I'm off and today had that really faint milky look that cut most of the faint stars out of seeing!
  5. Excellent! That transit shadow is, amazing.
  6. Late yesterday we had a strong thunderstorm go thru, with very hard rain and some wind. It washed the sky better than running a pair of pants twice in the washer. Just a few moments to stand there enjoying the sky I found Jupiter outshining everything! Saturn was faint descending past the zenith. Mars rising towards the zenith starting to show good. Taurus was beginning to show, Pleadies was very clear not far from Taurus. The sight that really showed how clean the air had become was the way Andromeda was faintly visible, Cassieopia pointing right to it. I'm off tomorrow, I just hope it's close to what I could see this morning at 3:30am.
  7. That is incredible. As soon as I get home I'm walking into the kitchen and kicking that refrigerator I had to buy instead of a solar scope!
  8. Thanks for the info. The team here constantly helps me learn.
  9. The images are incredible, even with what we've come to expect from the HST. Do you think they expected the diffraction spikes? Can you picture Bruce Willis standing there giving his speech? "Ah come on man, you're NASA! You got thousands of people sitting around thinking stuff up!"
  10. I can't help but wonder what it would be like flying thru that in either a space craft or just something like the recent planetary probes?
  11. Excellent! There is just something about Saturn that is always appealing!
  12. I also used 2"×2" aluminum angle on mine. The roof frame is 2"×3" rectangular aluminum, very light. Rolls back with one hand.
  13. The siding looks very nice! I've always liked lap siding. The second floor of my house is lap siding! Most of all I can't help but admire the area around the observatory. Very beautiful. And the hills in the distance, oh yeah. Florida is flat! Between me and the Gulf of Mexico 35 miles away the highest point ASL is about 50'.
  14. Excellent images! I do like the way you have processed the image.
  15. 27°, I'm not sure what you are talking about! 🤔 Sorry, I just couldn't resist.
  16. DaveL59, that one ^, I have to agree with you on. I guess you have to think of the time back then. As terrible his participation in the atrocities then, it was much better we ended up with him, than the Soviet Union.
  17. Many mistakes have happened in the past that I'm sure if it was possible to have a "do over", most would change things. I see the calls to "right wrongs" over here, and most of the time it is just another type of hate and discrimination. Instead of trying to erase the past, we should learn from it and hopefully not make the same mistakes again. Sadly, I see around me every day signs this is still a long time coming.
  18. It looks like a good start. And don't worry about the footer pad being different from the others! I believe it was the Shakers who always put a small flaw into their incredible carpentry work. They believed only one builder's creations were perfect. When I look into the sky's above me, I can believe that!
  19. Yes, the fourth image is tops! Well done again Sir!
  20. My first, I was happy to make out the basic shape. Doesn't give you much time to fiddle with adjustments as it passes! Lately, I haven't been having good direct passes. Keep at it!
  21. I feel for you. Our news has been talking about the incredible heat wave.
  22. Having internet trouble at work again with our hand held scanners.
  23. Last day of work this week. I take the dogs out at 3am and see the sky is beautiful! The moon was very clear and sharp in a good sky. Just a few degrees above it Jupiter was shining brilliantly. Twenty minutes later, go out the front with my trash for pickup and it's starting to cloud over! Just wonderful Florida rainy season weather.
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