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Pete Presland

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Everything posted by Pete Presland

  1. Hi welcome to SGL from Pete in Bedfordshire 🙂
  2. Hi welcome to SGL from Pete in Bedfordshire 🙂
  3. A fine looking disc and close ups, Very nicely captured
  4. Hi welcome to SGL from Pete in Bedfordshire 🙂
  5. Hi welcome to SGL from Pete in Bedfordshire 🙂
  6. Very nicely captured, some nice datils visible there
  7. Hi welcome to SGL from Pete in Bedfordshire 🙂
  8. Terrific set of images, very nicely captured.
  9. Just by the skin of your teeth 🙂 it certainly whizzes by quick. some nice nice detail there as well.
  10. A lovely scattering of spots there, very nicely captured.
  11. Nice review Kerry, always good to see a new Comet. Some of the headlines regarding this one have quite amusing, even by the mainstream media standards.
  12. Dam early start though, might be a while before they are visible for me i think. What altitude was Jupiter for you ?
  13. Great start Neil, some really nice details visible on both planets.
  14. Great captures, 3032 sounds very active possible flares predicted
  15. Spots right across the disc, great to see so much going on
  16. nice sharp images Steve, more activity on the way
  17. Some nice detail despite the conditions. I was out as well on Sunday morning very poor seeing, the Jetstream was right over the UK which doesn't help
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