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Pete Presland

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Everything posted by Pete Presland

  1. It certainly is very similar to the Plough.
  2. well its nearly here, please let the weather be kind for once!

  3. great to see SGL usings its profile to warn about eclipse safety.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ant


      Got to do your bit for safety haven't you? :)

    3. Pete Presland

      Pete Presland

      yes deffo, can you do something about the cloud gods as well? :-)

    4. Ant


      I'll give it a go fella. No promises though :)

  4. Loving the images in this thread great evidence of whats possible without tracking/guiding, well done to everybody who has contributed.
  5. jupiter transit well under way and its clear!

    1. orion25


      You are so lucky! It was cloudy and rainy where I am during the transits. Did you get any images?

    2. Pete Presland

      Pete Presland

      i did not too bad early on pretty horrid by the end though

  6. Hi welcome to SGL from Pete in Bedfordshire
  7. happy new year to everyone!

  8. merry christmas to everyone

  9. done the improvements to the obsy roof just in time, raining again!

    1. Luke


      Good timing :)

    2. Pete Presland

      Pete Presland

      lucky it wasnt suposed to rain untill the evening

    3. Knight of Clear Skies

      Knight of Clear Skies

      Glad you got it sorted in time.

  10. witnessed the green flash this morning, what an amazing sight!

    1. JB80


      Excellent, still not convinced I have caught it.

    2. tingting44
    3. JB80


      The green flash that is sometimes associated with a rising or setting sun. It makes a lovely bright green flash.

  11. what a week, no internet! laptop has died! back online now and this years astro-images to try and recover from the old hard drive

    1. Knight of Clear Skies

      Knight of Clear Skies

      Sorry to hear that, good luck with recovering the files.

    2. Pete Presland

      Pete Presland

      bought a SATA USB adapter, it allows you to acces your old hard drive like its an external hard drive so hopefully should be ok.

  12. looks like solar imaging is to be taking a back seat for a while

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Pete Presland

      Pete Presland

      weather, dark early. mind you got some in today!

    3. Pete Presland

      Pete Presland

      weather, dark early. mind you got some in today!

    4. David Smith

      David Smith

      Yeh, gets tricky this time of year. I may need to "work from home" more often :-/

  13. 1st Jupiter images of the season this morning

    1. bottletopburly


      Can't see them pete

  14. Jupiter is quite high now in the mornings!

    1. ghostdance


      I know, I keep telling him to just say 'NO!' Will he listen? Tsk.....

      (Looking good tho innit? )

  15. more info needed about your capture settings. are you using the full 1280x960 format or ROI format, what exposure time?
  16. its been a while since i used firecapture, but i think the USB traffic setting has been there for a while, it is certainly on my older version. i normally have mine set around 55-60% high enough to allow a good frame rate, not too high to start dropping frames. 13 fps is pretty slow, what are you imaging?
  17. YES! its proper clear tonight!

    1. David Smith

      David Smith

      Looked clear here last night but as soon as I got the scope out the haze came down.

  18. so much for the aurora?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Pete Presland

      Pete Presland

      i did exactly the same, my images confirm this!

    3. Ant


      It's also a possibility for tonight (and might even be clear).

      Last night Aurora was seen well into Norfolk (according to bbc this morning).

    4. Pete Presland

      Pete Presland

      i did see a image of aurora off the norfolk coast

  19. just pulled the plug on a Hotech collimator !

  20. cmon clouds go away, new AR regions to see?

    1. Luke


      They took there time to shift our way, Pete! And then there was a strip that was just over the Sun for a while! Hope you got a decent session in.

  21. the morning eastern horizon is pretty special at the moment!

  22. what a great resource, well done to all involved!
  23. clear skies and a last crack at Jupiter, Mars, Saturn

  24. conditions tonight are the best of the year!

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