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Pete Presland

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Everything posted by Pete Presland

  1. A lovely sharp Martian image, excellent level of details visible.
  2. Very nice, particularly the 2nd attempt, a definite improvement.
  3. Beautiful capture, perfect processing balance for me as well.
  4. I guess the C9.25 on an alt az mount would certainly be a lot a easier than my EQ6.
  5. I did a quick RGB balance, RGB align in Registax 6, here is the result. There is still a little artifact on the limb (Onion peel effect), it is generally accepted that this can be caused by not a high enough gain setting during capturing.
  6. Nothing wrong with camera/scope combination. Not used the camera, but there are some fine planetary images taken with it online. The scope needs no introduction, its an excellent choice. do you have a capture log file, like what you get when you use Firecapture?
  7. Very annoying knowing Mars is shinning away behind those clouds!
  8. I have a C9.25 and I love it, I use more than any other scope I own. For simplicity though, I would think a large Dob would be difficult to beat for visual astronomy. Lightweight and easy to transport as well, I guess the only thing maybe is how do you feel about the collimation?
  9. That is good news, by the look if the weather, it's not going to get much use this weekend unfortunately.
  10. Hi welcome to SGL from Peter in Bedfordshire 🙂
  11. Pete Presland


    Hi welcome to SGL from Peter in Bedfordshire 🙂
  12. Hi welcome to SGL from Peter in Bedfordshire 🙂
  13. Hi welcome to SGL from Peter in Bedfordshire 🙂
  14. Hi welcome to SGL from Peter in Bedfordshire 🙂
  15. Pete Presland


    Hi welcome to SGL from Peter in Bedfordshire 🙂
  16. Hi welcome to SGL from Peter in Bedfordshire 🙂
  17. Not sure to be honest, I have seen images with hints of detail at both ends of the spectrum. I guess different ends of the spectrum reveal different features maybe, I might try my 224mc next time I imaging Venus.
  18. Sorry, just noticed you using a colour camera I think my advice will probably be wrong for that camera. {must read the post completely} I would still give it a go though, maybe without the IR cut to begin with.
  19. Definitely worth a try, I used one before I purchased a UV filter. It might worth trying doubling up the no47 with an IR cut filter as well. I know this method has been used for "budget" Venus UV imaging, as the Baader UV filter is £170+. You will probably need plenty of gain, a longish exposure and plenty of frames. Look forward to seeing how you get on.
  20. A very interesting read. Love the detail in "white light" images, particularly in Penumbra. The Solar flare looked equally superb!
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