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Alan White

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Everything posted by Alan White

  1. I just need to say Thanks all, over a weekend when I was trying to make no purchases, well, I have failed. Just upgraded from earlier PLus to 7 Pro at the half price, as others say, wow, expemsive app, but hey.
  2. Chaps, this is an interesting thread, I have Sky Safari and barely ever use it, lack of use is lack of knowing how good it is. Well last night I had a play and other than some annoyances of my own making, it’s rather good, so good I may just buy the newest version and give it a decent run out. The Observing list and the like and now importing lists sounds brilliant, had no idea it can do that.
  3. Interesting thoughts and agree with the second part from experience, it’s just wonderful. On the special eyepiece, well for me that’s the APM UFF 30, it’s got something special about it, sometimes it’s the only one used for the session.
  4. Have you used the Nexus DSC much?
  5. Looks an interesting collection of vintage scopes building up. I will be interested how the AZ100 with a reflector performs, as this is more set up for a refractor. Is the 6" Tal a n f6 scope? I cannot remember what they were, other than nice scopes. I always wanted a 6" reflector in the day, but had insufficient funds to even buy the 4" version.
  6. How right you were in your Soothsaying Louis!
  7. 1. Probaly yes, but will extend dew free time 2. Not sure but suggest at least 300mm 3. Yes Camping mat is good, light and cheap. Hope that helps Secondary dewing this time of year is very common with a Newtonian, it is with my and others dobs we use. I clear my secondary with a 12v hairdryer and then just observe on, but a dew shield is a good idea and simpler.
  8. I think your best move would be to seek out your local astro club or society. Your interest is wetted, your on the journey and the input of some like minded folks who you can meet would help perhaps. I used to not like clubs too much but joined my club CPAC some years ago and my knowledge grew enormously as did my circle of friends. I am now part of the club Committee and very involved. Your set up sounds great for you interest area and as you say perhaps this is the point for some tweaks, but don't go too mad.
  9. I was until last night, it cleared and we had no Moon last night..... First time in a longtime though.
  10. Welcome to SGL and Visual Astronomy as well, its all very rewarding. I believe in the KISS principal at all times, too much complication = upset and dissapointment. So my vote is the all manual dobson you have listed. The Dobson will provide a wider field of view and be easier to look at the brighter and larger DSO you say you would like to view. It will also cool down for use quicker (all lenses and mirrors perform well when at ambient temperature). Being an open tube it cools faster. The SCT, is a longer focal length and an enclosed tube design, it will give a narrower field of view, take longer to cool than the open tube newtonian. It will also have some electronics, that may distract you at this stage and be more challenging as a begginer to use, it depends on how well you get on with electronics. Either scope will bring you pleasure, but the dobson you list is fairy compact, will give super views and should serve you well. Have you considered the non flex-tube version, its possibly even more forgiving and has a decent focuser compared to the one on the small flextube? Good luck and ask more questions as you go.
  11. Love it, a very accurate rendition, not just limited to Macclesfield I think.
  12. I do both. My home location is on the edge of suburbia, but blighted by local spotlight pollution. After much thought, I accepted the limitations of the lights and blocked horizons and built a shaded area to observe from. This is the spot that about 80% of my observing time is spent at. I have access to darker locations through my astronomy club and about once per month, life and weather permitting I go observed with others at a darker site. Very much worth the effort as I can star hop easily from here, but not at home, targets pop and the shared experience is a big plus. I rarely venture out alone to observe, just do not like it. When Neowise was about last year, I did keep wandering off to get darker views and clearer horizons. So I think convenience wins for me, observing at home within limitations, but the joy of the lesser excursions is much worthwhile. I have a broad church of interest target wise, I have to with the challenges from home.
  13. Lucky you, that's nice. i watched on Cliff Cam 3 when the alert came up, quite a show it was too.
  14. I was with Ed (not Ting) at the site with our club, the sky at the start was indeed super and very transparent with good seeing, it of course did not last, but while it did, we all took advantage. It was indeed a great evening and comparing views between the ED80 and my 10" Dobson at times was interesting. I looked at the Veil while Ed was on it and it was visible in his eD80, quite something for even this site. I have to say, I did similar to Ed and looked at lots of obvious targets, got quite excited to find a 'new' open cluster.... had dreams for a fleeting moment of it being White01, but not to be. The walking astro enclopeadia, also called Ed (not Ting) had to say, that's Stock 23 and indeed it was, oh well, White 01 will be in my own list from now on 😉 Reading Ed's posting, made me grin and brought back a pleasanr shared evenings observing at our darker site.
  15. I keep kit alongside the observing area that I use at home, a very small cupboard built onto the fence, built by me, a certified Wood Butcher. The shelves were removed to be used for storage, power not needed, but the red light inside helps setting up and taking down kit. It house my 10" OOUK Dob and other kit.
  16. Not a postman delivery, handed to me in person most kindly, books that have been on my wish list for sometime A very kind and generous gift from my friend and fellow CPAC member and Forum member here
  17. As Stu says above, the early hours although anti-social can be very still and clear. A sneaked binocular view at this time, in my PJ's is not unknown in our household either, just make sure you put on decent socks and shoes.
  18. It makes me think I am seeing double 😉 Oh, I am, nice case full. You must have more eyes than @Stu to need all that glass.
  19. Funny enough I did compare some of the Morphi and XW's having owned both. I wear glasses to observe at certain FL due to astigmatism. For me I found the XW's worked better with my face shape and glasses type, but we all vary. This is a bit like asking which is better, they are both excellent, but one will be more excellent for you alone, without trying you will not know. A case of the Your Mileage Will Vary comment on CN.
  20. Nice one Steve, so pleased you are finding the Vixen as good as I do my one. That was quite a night exercise, out at 1.30am, I was tucked up in the land of nod, but had come home from an evening at our club dark site. We got clouded out and dewed over at 11pm, so obviously Cambridgeshire fared better on the cloud front. It was for a time last night very transparent and made so many targets pop.
  21. Hi Nigella, 5v cable? thats a 12v plug on the cable shown?? Yes the one shown can be shortened.
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