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Alan White

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Everything posted by Alan White

  1. All the recent chat on SCT's being made of Gold, set me off pondering things, as it does. If you had say a Celestron 9.25 for visual only use and fitted a focal reducer, A What benefits would you see? B What is the compromise you are striking, theres always a compromise after all? And other than a narrower field of view, how would it compare to a f5/6 Newtian of similar size visually.
  2. Are Meade actually still going, I thought they folded a while back? Or were they rescued by someone. Not knocking them, have had many good products with Meade on the branding, and some howlers too, just like anyothet brand in reality.
  3. Or an example of where a refractor has an advantage
  4. A great combination in my book, I have the very same and it’s provided hours of enjoyment so far, enjoy yours.... pone day, when the clouds move on.
  5. I agree Rob, but would add that SCT and the name Celestron will bring out a patriotic buying tendency across the pond, even though they are made in China. A bit like asking about eyepieces on CN and the fact that all TV optics are made in Taiwan or Japan, gets the same patriotic reaction. Just my 2p worth.
  6. In my view they are all equal in what you would see, the 8” Dobson is the Swiss army knife of Dobson. The mirrors should all be comparable, the differences are in the mounts and focuses in reality and that’s a personal choice to be made, but do remember dobs are very much a diy project in the making and all can be tweaked at a later stage.
  7. Just read this thread and an interesting rant from Vlaiv and then picked up. These types of scope intrigue me for all the reasons known, especially the more compact package and therefore easier to find a store space for. For me space is an issue, I live in a decent sized house, but storage space is very limited and does dictate where things can live. My 10” Dobson is a case in point, always moved about as it needs somewhere to live. A SCT or Mak or CC could nearly live in my sock drawer, yes I have a big sock drawer 😂
  8. That is an interesting result Ed, a no go with the 10” which I know is good quality, yet success with the ED80, which I also know to be a good one. Was this a difference in seeing or similar?
  9. My Wood Butchery is often a dource of amusement to many. At school my much admired Wood Working teacher told me one day, for all you best effort Mr White, you are a certified Wood Butcher, do me and timber a favour and never try to become a carpenter..... and he was right. I am ok at first fix type work and DIY generl wood, but anything like finsihed and showing wood, well, best left alone. On the note about your Dad saying about to look back occasionaly, wise words of wisdom indeed.
  10. Thank you Jeremy, kind of you to say so. Having things in cases rather than metal ones has been set off by yourself.
  11. I am always a bit 'Meh' about new things, they need to be used to prove they work, don't take my lack of enthisiasm as a review of the bag, its a nice case if you have a modest size EP collection, or if like me you wish to split them across some bags to fit in at home and in the care better. I like bags over boxes, they play nicer in the car and if tapped on furniture or doors at home for one. Oklop bags are well made and great value, had one on my f5 150 newt and it was a great bag, so I am sure it will be good once used. Please see my other posting now its got things inside it as well.
  12. The latest incarnation of the Eyepiece Case.... An Oklop one from @FLO, nice, good value and small, which is what I wanted. All I need now is an accessory bag to go with it as well.
  13. Fair observation Len. It's my 'I don't give 10/10' on anything unless it blows my socks off. Its fairly well made, because I would like it more padded, but its not needed, just me. Its fairly well made, because the handle has a tiny bump in it, minor but it's in it. Its fairly well made, because the zips feel lighter than I would like, but I want heavy industrial on a smaller bag, they are actually fine. It will do the job well, is small, neat and fits my mid sized eyepieces well. Value wise, it's amazing at the price. It to me feels a better case than the old Maplin Cases I have tried to use, they are tin foild, cardboard and foam. Eyepiece cases are my nemesis, I am searching for the Goldilocks of cases and its close to being 'The One'
  14. And it’s arrived, fairly well made and all works well. Had a trial fit out and I think we should be good to go, had planned to have a second bag / case for all the clobber as well
  15. Postie Petes been with my Oklop Eyepiece case, it’s ok Trial fit out and things fit and are snug but accessible
  16. Nice, and very tempting a purchase if you own a 30.
  17. Now that is nice, and great skill. Somehow I think way outside the skill set of this certified 'Wood Butcher'.
  18. Looks very nice indeed, quite the craftsperson.
  19. Interesting stool, something we always want, the perfect observing purch. I look forward to reading your feedback.
  20. Hi Ron, That's a great question and the very same one I am pondering only tonight. Thanks to those who have commented so far. On the knee/s front, I sypathise as my knees are crocked and have been told need replacing, but it has a sting in the tail, the specialist suggests I suck it up for a few more years to get best use of the new ones. I wish you well and a swift access to the needed care and a swift and full recovery.
  21. Thanks for the feedback and the images from Oldfort. I have pulled the trigger and ordered one. And updating this, it's in the post 😃
  22. I know our fine SGL sponsor stocks these bags and some hav epurchased them. Can I have feedback on how thos who have them find them and what you have inside, a picture would speak a lot of words. Thanks https://www.firstlightoptics.com/telescope-bags-cases-storage/oklop-padded-bag-for-eyepieces-and-accessories.html
  23. Nice report, I regularly observe the Double Cluster and it's on my must show list for new comers to the hobby. It was one of the first targets I hunted out and has a special place in my heart. As to a teardrop, well we all see shapes and remember them, me I see a reindeer with a smile, go work that one out! I have to say this is a target that looks good in most scopes, but in my 10" its a jaw dropper at times when conditions are good.
  24. Nice clean job Sorry someone had to say it! 🤣
  25. To add to this, found my iPad Mini of a few years vintage will not run this as it needs iOS 14 onwards and Mini only goes to 12! Now my non spending weekend is destroyed
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