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Alan White

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Everything posted by Alan White

  1. Postie has been and gone, several days ago to be honest, but we were away. Another old friend returns, something I said would not happen, I was having a dummy spitting over undercuts so sold this and others,,,,,but why? Anyway here we have it, a black box.
  2. I have the top left one by Roger N Clark, a brilliant book in my view.
  3. I know referring to the trimmed quote is a bit off topic, but Mike did post these very words. My wife thinks the same about me also Mike, I am sure many others on here with significant others will feel the same. On the books front, I love my O'Meara books and many others, enjoy them a lot. But the real problem is I read threads like this and go off looking for more books, which indeed I have just done, thanks. Books are great, and let's face it provide more astronomy than the sky often does!
  4. I really like my copy of the 21st Century Atlas of the Moon (Charles Wood), a very good atlas. Hope that you find your one as useful as I do my copy.
  5. I managed to grab a look with sneaking my Ha scope out to work earlier today, shhh don't tell the boss. That prom is quite something, wow, just wow. Problem is, the Ha scope is a loaner and making me want one of my own now.
  6. Look forwards to the ongoing progress reports. An observatory is something many of us desire.
  7. As we can see from the replies, you are not alone. I arrived for a comparison with my then 150mm VX6 and 103 Vixen, I forgot both the diagonal and the finders for both scopes, Bad enough, but a super night at the cubs dark site, saved by my faithful 10x50's and others scopes. It did provide some mild amusement as well as sympathy from the other observers. After all, we have all done similar at some point, even if not in Astro.
  8. Postie Pete has been and gone, two WoB purchases for me today. A bit of a theme at the moment. A tester purchase to see what I think about the Rukl Moon Maps, I am unsure if I want to spend lots on the full Atlas, so thought this a good taster. And a general addition to my book collection, quite Moon centric in reality, but that's how I got set going by dear old Dad many years ago.
  9. Nice image Nigella, Congratulations on being the image chosen, deservedly so of course.
  10. Lunar can be devisive, its a Marmite thing for us astronomers. In my camp, it's a love it and I enjoy oportunities to observe it well, something that my binoviewer is now allowing more easily on the eye. Thanks to all who have posted in this thread, thoroughly enlightening.
  11. What a great segment from BBC Look North, you come across so well and they have presented us all well. I know the strange BBC film feeling, we were filmed for the 100th WW1 anniversary at Thiepval https://www.cwgc.org/visit-us/find-cemeteries-memorials/cemetery-details/80800/thiepval-memorial/.
  12. All I can say is what a great looking set up that all makes @Stu and yes as @JeremyS suggests, looks very en Francais. I had the Solarscope SV50 out on the AZ75 earlier as well, great Solar day on a January morning. What a great day it has been to be working from home again.
  13. In my diary as well. I just hope we are clear of the spot we are all in by then 🤞
  14. Nigella, thanks for sharing. Great images you have captured. This confirms what I observed the same day, and I was sure it was a flare I was observing. being new to Ha observing with a borrowed scope its all more than the WL I am used to. Seeing these great images is great and confirms what I am observing visually. Catching this Solar lark. All of course as The Suna has got his hat on, getting more active.
  15. Swift recovery John, wish you well. Yes, all this exciting kit is much awaited.
  16. After a long radio silence from me, I can report that the AZ75 testing continues with me using varying scopes. The weather as we all in the UK know, has been attrocious and it has stopped play for a chunk of time. I also had heating issues in December that made me less inclinded to go out and get cold as I could not warm up as easily after, the arthritic knees give me hell enough as they are. Anyway, January has gone well and testing is now back on track, I have also now started using a binoviewer, so that's in the mix as well. All is going well and enjoying the testing and of course being outside under the stars with the local wildlife. A few tweaks have taken place, making things even more smooth and enjoyable, each one improves the AZ75, which is not, I repeat not a diamond in the rough to start with, so some changes are final polish type changes, all making the mount shine further. I have fedback my latest testing findings to Rowan this weekend and we are exchanging e-mails on this now. Please be patient, it's all for the good here and brilliant to have astronomer feedback with the designers and makers of this bit of kit. So a short, all is good update.
  17. First light for the WO binoviewer and for the 26mm Astro Essentials Plossl pair as well. All I can say is, I managed to get focus, merge images and then Lunar Observe. I then had to collect my socks from across the road after they blew off!! Amazed what a change it makes to a familiar target, very 3 dimmensional, easier on the eyes and more detail observed. AMAZING.... should have done this years ago. I pondered this for a very longtime, asked questions of seasoned Binoviewer users and then took the plunge. The Astro Essential 26mm Plossl were very good indeed, in fact stunning for the money.
  18. Thanks Mark, made me take a break and dip outside with the solar scope. Lots going on as you say. I think I saw a flare at the 9 o'clock a few minutes ago, corresponds to coronal hole info on space weather. More Aurora, here we come 😁
  19. Same for me Steve, so may get to try the binoviewer very soon 🤞
  20. Very nice indeed, congratulations. I await your first light report.
  21. Ags, wow that is an alternate view and I had almost forgotten it was my true route in And I too had a book that engaged my interest as a young child. The Ladybird Book of The Night Sky.
  22. I was not fortunate enough to get a telescope when young to fan the flames of interest, money would not allow this. However my dear Dad always allowed me use of his prized Swift 8x40’s to aid my views I learnt a lot from this experience First telescope was a Bresser refractor just before we got married in 1995 it was my engagement present, great present it was too. The marriage is outlasting the telescope by some years now. I have to say I still get the same wonder each time I look up, so I think the hobby will last me out.
  23. It works well for me. If you have had time to read the thread, it started to block out next doors many lights, ended up taking a few turns.
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