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Everything posted by callisto

  1. A nice clear sharp image πŸ‘ Mark
  2. I used to travel with my 10" Dob before I moved to the countryside and I used an old duvet to wrap around the tube...The optics were fine every time Mark
  3. Yeah, I upgraded to the WO wedge from my stock ioptron one and It's a totally different ball game. Very well made and solid...locks very well and best of all it looks the part with all my ZWO gizmo's 😁 Mark
  4. This may help https://www.opticscentral.com.au/blog/problems-finding-focus-with-a-dslr/
  5. Excellent image...you've got a lot of faint fuzzies on closer inspection πŸ‘
  6. I use washing machine vibration pads for my Dob's feet πŸ˜€
  7. Ditto...............................Bye πŸ”¨ πŸš‘ πŸ€’
  8. No, you really have done a great job there Mark
  9. That is lovely and crisp...very nice πŸ‘ Mark
  10. Nice shots...were you using the Star Adventurer mount and what is the 34 mins broken down to? Mark
  11. Sorry SyedT....Great image BTW Mark
  12. That will do...give me directions 😁
  13. Where is this?...can I book a table? 🀣
  14. Nice..thanks for sharing πŸ‘ Mark
  15. Who poured concrete around your motorhome? 🀣
  16. I think your being too hard on yourself...Lovely image Mark
  17. That's a very nice image...well done Mark
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