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Everything posted by Knighty2112

  1. Forecast not looking great, but maybe a break around 8/9pm. If clouds allow then depending on seeing conditions might be hard to view the smaller shadow of Callisto. View at 8:30pm below from Skysafari. Fingers crossed!
  2. BST ED Starguider 3.2, 5 & 8mm EPโ€™s are good contenders.
  3. Wow! Must have been excellent seeing conditions to nab that then. Well done! ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป
  4. Seeing was OKish earlier on, but from 8:15 started to go downhill. Shadow of Io very clear in AA 102mm scope with Starbase 6mm EP. Back inside now getting warm as pretty chilly with the wind chill.
  5. All double stars I believe. Turn off the show double stars option see if that does it.
  6. These 85mm tube rings could be used if you put extra padding around the rings with some rubber/felt etc. https://www.firstlightoptics.com/tube-rings/primaluce-lab-85mm-plus-tube-rings.html
  7. Seeing good to poor. Could see the shadow of Io clearly when seeing steadied. Nice to spend some time at the scope just watching one thing happen. ๐Ÿ˜€
  8. Got my goto out ready for later on. Was looking at Venus before it got too low, and got it trained on Vega as I am curious as to how long it will stay near the centre of FOV before it drifts off as only did a rough set up.
  9. Should be able to position the rings so they go around the dob fixings.
  10. Yes, as long as the CGX mount has a saddle that will take the Losmandy dovetail.
  11. Only issue I can see with a dob is your kids might need a platform to stand on to see in the EP.
  12. Got a power pylon close by that use during the day to align finders, test out optics/new purchases etc, so can see similar details on it too. The only other things close by that I could look at too are chimney tops, but they tend to be pretty boring!
  13. I would say currently my one scope that I would use most is my C8 SCT. I do have a 10โ€ Newtonian that should beat the pants off the SCT, but doesnโ€™t get used much mainly to the size & weight, so only get used very occassionally.
  14. I got a 6mm Starbase from FLO. It works very well. Gives good contrast and sharp view across the fov, so pleased with it. Had it out on Jupiter and the moon last night for a while before clouds piled in, and got great views with it, even compared to my Baader Zoom and 4mm TV Delight.
  15. Nice report Dave. Have to keep an eye open for the maiden. According to Octoberโ€™s copy of AN I just got through the post today thereโ€™s a lunar butterfly too to see! ๐Ÿค”
  16. Arrived earlier this week, but away with work until late last night. A super AZ5 mount head from Jeremy. Fitted some longer slow mo cables, and mounted on my Berlebach Report tripod with extension. Checked out quickly last night on moon and Jupiter with my AA 80ED โ€˜frac, and hoping to test with the much longer big brother AA 102ED tonight hopefully if skies allow. Thanks Jer! ๐Ÿ˜€
  17. Excellent image. Well done! ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป
  18. Iโ€™d be interested in what they say as I was potentially thinking of fitting the same motorised focuser on my ED80 or ED101 that has the same focuser.
  19. Never seen this goto mount before. Looks very nice. Let us know how you get on with it. ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป
  20. Sounds like a great place to view from. Out of curiosity where were you viewing from approximately? ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป
  21. Only two words to describe what I feel; โ€œWow!โ€, and โ€œjealous!โ€ Great report John. Sounds like a magical place fo astronomy! ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป
  22. We all did it at some point owning Starsense, but did you remember to take the end cap off Starsense? I did that one and think I got similar issues until I stupidly realised my gaff.
  23. Yes, they are both the same diameter. I used to own the OTA for a 4SE, and also had a C8 SCT, which is the same basically as the 8SE scope. I used an old ribbed roller that I had 2 of which made fine tuning work great on both scopes when put on the focus knob.
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