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Everything posted by Knighty2112

  1. Your getting there. One more scope to go to be a fully fledged astronomer! Then you need at least 4 mounts to chose from and you’re there!
  2. Never heard the term for a steve before. Great photo. Well captured. 👍🏻
  3. Nice work Reggie. Been a few months since I’ve seen any planets, what with work, lousy weather etc, but looking forward to see some again soon. 👍🏻
  4. Gone 12 o’clock, so it’s now officially legging up day! 😂

  5. Might be best to contact WO themselves. The email address from their website is as below; wo@williamoptics.com
  6. I had one 6mm starbase ortho then when I got my binoviewers I got another to match too to use in the binoviewers. Sadly one of them never lined in the EP socket correctly in the binoviewers no matter how carefully I inserted it in, so no good in my binoviewers at least as this made them not line up correctly. I think the issue is they have a shorter part that locates into any 1.25’ socket. Any EP with a longer socket part should work OK. The length of the socket part on the Starbase is 20mm, whereas on the Starguider EP and most other EP’s I own this is aprrox 25mm.
  7. To compliment my Uranometria 2000.0 Deep Sky Atlas All Sky Edition recently bought from FLO a month or so ago, direct from the US of A this morning arrived my Uranometria 2000.0 Deep Sky Field Guide All Sky Edition, which finishes off my star atlas collection nicely.
  8. I like it. Looks very natural. IC 4263 caught too lower left too. 👍🏻
  9. Excellent work charl. Well done! 👍🏻
  10. Quick snapshot with iphone with a happy sunspot!
  11. Good reason to get an ipad or iphone then. I prefer apple over android any day!
  12. JusT looked on my android (work) phone in Playstore and not available for some reason. That sucks!
  13. Seems that there is an Android version too. Link deleted as not original creator.
  14. On apple this is the program for the polar scope align Pro. Really easy to use.
  15. Have you tried it without the 2x barlow in the image train?
  16. The first part of your statement is true. Not sure about the 2nd part though? I’d hate to tot up the amount I’ve spent on astro equipment, books and accessories over the last 5 years or so!
  17. Worst thing to do is shine a torch anywhere near any telescope optics as it makes even the best optics look like a horror show. I doubt very much this will affect any images taken.
  18. No controversy here; in my eyes yes as it is easier to control better at high magnifications than doing a push or pull on the telescope.
  19. I agree with Carole. When I was in my teens (many moons ago now) and long before the current epoch of the internet age whenever I mentioned to anyone I have a telescope to do astronomy there was always a wink-wink-we-know-what-you-use-that-for, the inference been I was using it to be the proverbial peeping Tom. Sounds like this moron thought the same too perhaps. Glad you didn’t get hurt in the incident.
  20. More than likely you have the focuser lock screw done up which stops you been able to adjust the focus. Slacken the screw directly underneath the focuser (larger silver one sticking out) and and this will allow the focuser to move in & out, more importantly in your case outwards so you can focus on objects correctly.
  21. Bah! Humbug! What a year it’s been! Clouds, Covid, clouds, Covid, clouds and more bloomin’ Covid! I want a refund on all the money I’ve spent on astro equipment this year or else I’ll set the Grinch loose to wreak Christmas havoc! 😡 Only kidding! Wishing you all at FLO a great Christmas & New Year, and all on SGL too. Hoping that 2022 at least gives use less views on the different types of cloud formations there are! <fingers crossed!> cheers, Gus 😀😀😀😀
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