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Everything posted by geordie85

  1. Very nice. I really hope they're going to do one for the esprit 100 too.
  2. I want to know how they found that deer in the forest so far away, and the bird.
  3. Here's my SHO palette attempt with your data which is very nice and clean indeed. Maybe i need an astrophotography holiday. All processing done in Photoshop. Thank you for releasing this data and letting us play with it.
  4. Your HA data looks fine to me. Noise starts to show in any image if you push the data too far.
  5. Maybe you're trying to push the data too far?
  6. Must be my phone then. HVLG always does a good job for me
  7. Your blue stars are slightly green (or it may just be my phone) other than that you've got a very nice image there
  8. Fingers crossed we have clear skies
  9. That's a very long wait indeed. I'm sure you'll be happy with it. I've had 2. I sold the first one and regret set in before I'd even posted it. I hope you enjoy it
  10. That's an excellent image for an un-modified DSLR.
  11. A fine m31 you have there, maybe a tad over saturated on the colour but still very well done
  12. https://www.astrobuysell.com/uk/propview.php?view=167719 This could be a good buy for you with some budget left over for a flattener.
  13. Big moon, haze, dew and fireworks. Perfect time to test the Samyang 135 and ZWO183MM combo.
  14. You've produced a fantastic image with a wonderful 3d effect.
  15. Yeah I do. I've no idea why they're over correcting. Maybe try aiming for a higher and lower adu, see if that makes any difference.
  16. Your flats are over correcting. I've always just used my luminance flats and they've always worked fine. I've never taken separate flats for other filters.
  17. That looks finished to me, it's beautiful. How much deeper do you want to go?
  18. Adding data to vdb141 whilst trying to block my next door neighbors kitchen light.
  19. Has the time/ date/ location changed when you updated?
  20. My guess is that it's something to do with calibration as I cannot see how changing the offset could result in this. I may we'll be wrong though, I have been many times before
  21. I'm a very happy chappy. It's alot bigger in person but I now own a lovely esprit 100ed with flattener. My dual rig is almost complete
  22. I'm really bad at DIY so I'll just buy something
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