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Alien 13

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Everything posted by Alien 13

  1. Along with the OC35 the OC71 are my favorite transistors, even now I look out for boxed mint "mullard" versions... I am also fond of the original ECC81 valves of the mullard variety, again very hard to get mint original examples now. Alan
  2. I doubt that the type of glass makes up much of the overall manufacturing cost of a scope apart from its availability. Alan
  3. Agreed but a well put together ST80 for example with decent focusser and premium eyepiece would be a joy to use on the right sort of targets.. Anyway God gave us small Maks, the perfect package to replace long achromatic s. Alan
  4. Does anyone else think that the top bit looks remarkably like "fireball XL5"? Alan
  5. Very few camera lenses quote the aperture so this needs to be calculated from the f/ratio as follows A=fl/f ratio. Alan
  6. Try also unscrewing the setscrew shown below, the movement can be very stiff as it engages with a kind of fluid clutch mechanism. The screw can if over tightened protrude onto the inner ring bearing surface and also deforming it causing it to stick and grate. Alan
  7. Just switch the view to imaging mode, most Canon cameras are listed as well as some lenses but you can just add your own info. Alan
  8. I was given one of those for Christmas when I was about 13, lovely piece of kit and if I remember correctly mine came with 4 swift eyepieces.. Alan
  9. I have not looked at the Canon R series but they look good. Would be interesting to know if the bright halos reported with the RA model are down to the optics used, camera lenses in general dont like modified cameras.. Alan
  10. I use this one, works well with my lenses and will fit my Mak too. Alan
  11. If you have used PS in the past it will be a very easy learning curve.. Alan
  12. This is always an issue when using a modded camera with a camera lens, the best solution is to replace the removed filter with one that has a slightly wider bandwidth.. Alan
  13. Looks great but would love to see the mount against a "standard" can of beans to get a sense of scale.. Alan
  14. If the counterweight bar is threaded then add a long bolt and pack it with "penny washers".. Alan
  15. Hello from me, you will find answers to most question here.. Alan
  16. OMG congrats, just noticed that Grant replied to your first post, he must have been a kid then Alan
  17. I am surprised that there is not an off the shelf solution for this as I imagine its a very common problem and not just for imagers but visual also. There is a topic running at the moment on this.. Alan
  18. Like you I got fed up of kicking the tripod after going into the kitchen for a brew and not being able to see anything when going back out. The solution I use is three red LEDS each wired to individual leads with heatshrink sleeve to insulate them and fitted to the mount with those little plastic adhesive clips that you use for securing phone wires. The three wires are taken to a small plastic project box that contains a 1K pot and 1K resistor in series that is wired as follows.. The resistor is connected to + of the power bank with the other end of the pot to -ve via a 5.5mm X 2.5mm socket and matching lead, the LEDs are then connected to the pot wiper and -ve end. Alan P.S. the three LEDs are connected in parallel. Instead off the power bank you use a couple off AA batteries with a battery holder mounted in the project box, would need to add a switch of course..
  19. I use similar lights all run off a mobile phone power bank and a simple dimmer circuit, its a must for me as I keep running back to the kitchen during an imaging run and cant see a thing when I go back outside. Alan
  20. My top three. RA camera viewfinder, used with polar scope so no bending into impossible positions and handy for having a quick look around the sky at X2 magnification on its own. Pluto trigger for DSLR, as well as a remote intervalometer it can do the "rule of 400" automatically when using a static setup, its also great for catching lightning strikes. USB power banks, use them to power my EQ3-2 and camera lens dew heaters oh and the little red leds around the base of my tripod (stops it being kicked in the dark). Alan
  21. Never had a problem myself, I shoot DSLR with lenses so if its cloudy I shoot the clouds or Moon if there is a gap, all hand held of course... Alan
  22. This camera sounds perfect for camera lenses especially when you get down to the short f/l Samyangs. Alan
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