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Alien 13

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Everything posted by Alien 13

  1. Well done mate on getting there, I had a meal of new potatoes and ketchup especially for this mission. Alan
  2. Touchdown yay, Elvis has left the building.. Alan
  3. Have been watching since it went live , fascinating stuff..shame I haven't got my boarding pass for this one although I am on the next. Alan
  4. I have had plenty of these large step rings from Amazon so I can use my 77mm ND filters etc with all my camera lenses. Alan
  5. For polar alignment you could go this route... https://www.firstlightoptics.com/adapters/astro-essentials-right-angled-eyepiece-for-polar-scopes.html Alan
  6. I use power banks to power my EQ3-2, dew heaters plus other DSLR gadgets and like Chefgage use seperate supplies. I would advise you get one of these to check actual power consumption for each unit. Alan
  7. What camera are you using? I noticed that you mentioned a Nikon lens in your post, if you are using a Nikon camera then all the vintage M42 type lenses and most others wont focus at infinity. Alan
  8. Just had a look in my camera setting and found the option to use the shutter button to start/stop video as follows. Make sure camera is in video mode----->menu (red section with camera icon)------>page 5 then button function. This allows you to assign various functions to the shutter button or indeed a remote connected to the jack socket. I am sure your camera menus will be different but hope this helps. Alan P.S. my camera was already set this way but had forgotten about it as I use the Canon Camera Connect app most of the time for video.
  9. No one set up can do it all so decide your priority remembering that the shorter the focal length the easier it gets. Alan
  10. Dont forget the "rocket blower" to remove any large particulates first. Alan
  11. Fascinating.. I am strangely glued to it. Alan
  12. I think the 400mm Canon has a built in filter drawer for 52mm filters, not sure if the astro ones would fit but it could be a neat solution.. Alan
  13. I do this all the time, I have a Canon 80D connected to my PC using EOS utilities over wi fi and can control all aspects of the camera and even microfocus the lens while watching the remote live view screen... I plan to get a Skywatcher AZ GTI mount soon so I can the pan around the sky too all remotely of course. Alan
  14. I find Polaris quite difficult to pick out when its dark and looking through the polarscope, however its much easier during twilight/daylight or with the polarscope illumination turned up so that the dimmer stars get swamped. Alan
  15. The main reason I bought mine was that I needed portability, will run off a mobile phone power bank for ages.. Alan
  16. There are quite a few of us now using Coowoo dew heaters, great bit of kit.. Alan
  17. Now that AP has dedicated astro photography features I can see it growing to surpass even the best out there.. Alan
  18. Thanks Mick, have implemented the hardware acceleration.. Alan
  19. If you looked at a top end 140mm refractor it would have 5 or 6 elements minimum and that would only get you to f/7 ish so 17 is reasonable I think. Alan
  20. I think the Canon lens would be quite happy wide open and be sharper than the RASA after all it was used in the "dragonfly" telescope project. Alan
  21. There is another thread on this topic that has info on tutorials etc.. Alan
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