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alan potts

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Everything posted by alan potts

  1. Peter, Time to put hands up and and admit I mad a mistake, it is 21x 4 minute subs not 3mins. Still impressed though as it was a collection of 4 minute subs I used on my 805mm at F 7, time on that one was just short of 3 hours. Alan
  2. Still have not sorted the spacing exactly and still do not have anything to deal with gradients yet but I was rather shocked what 63 mins, 21x 3min subs pulled out on M31 with Moon at first quarter. I was far from a good night with frost playing and annoying part and my wife's hair dryer coming to the rescue more than once in this short time. The Borg used on this is I believe F 4.3 and as I see it collected a lot more data than my F7 did in more than twice the time. Anyway pull it to bits or offer advice. This is a heavy crop of the Image from my 071, I guess this is about 40% of the full frame. Still struggling with the focus on this scope, I do not like this helical focus system, I feel I may try and get the Feather Touch for it Alan
  3. Read with interest Steve, but the only thing I would say is 73mm WO and a 100mm Esprit, not really an apple with apples comparison, the ES is over an inch bigger and indeed a fine scope also more than 100mm longer F/L. I wanted that that scope but you beat me to it by about 2 minutes. Alan
  4. Been wondering the exact same thing as I sit here for the last week finger at the ready as to whether the 73mm WO doublet or the 71mm WO triplet will fill the gap. I have used a few quality instruments here over the last 9 years from the most costly to the no so. These have included doublets and what I will say is Triplets win on visual with object like Venus. This being one of the most difficult to tame for CA. Though even my 70mm Ed gives a reasonable disc in the centre of field. I am sure though, not having seen them, the best doublets do a fine job and whilst we do not all image Venus and Jupiter and even then try and keep the like of Vega out of view, a good doublet will do a great job. It would be the snob in me that wanted the triplet, though you have to say Carole the Tak family do look very sharp indeed. Alan
  5. Vlaiv showed me an image a few months back taken with a 180mm Mak at F15, as I was asking about using the one I have. The image was as good as anything I have ever seen posted on this site, whilst I am sure it is not easy at 2700mm and F15, it sure can be done by some with more skill than I can muster. Nice images BTW but I feel a tad too rich in red/orange colour, I feel they would be better a little less saturated. Alan Alan
  6. I don't normally like these at all but I have to say this one has a real something about that I like. Really nice image. Alan
  7. That is about as good as I have ever seen, great image. Tried the same technique myself with an old 40D but fell short of your level of expertise. Alan
  8. It is a very nice image, i like the colours best of all. Spacing I find a nightmare I have two issues with different scopes, Even when you know what you need it seems far from easy to actually get hold ot the bits and understanding the mass of different thread sizes only adds to the confusion. Alan
  9. Great to hear, never seen them myself even though I tried a good few times, there is H1 and 2 and I believe, I 1 & 2, though I am sure these are very difficult but worth trying for. I firmly feel all of these E&F are Mag and seeing sensitive, though on the brighter ones more mag I feel. Personally I have always found E and F fairly straight forward, even with my 115mm APO. Few people seem to have seen G and H even though they are within the compass of my 18 inch. This I must get out again, I stopped using it completely due to firstly not being able to go out in the very cold because of a prostate problem and I just got out of using it in favour of photography. Now I have had an operation and recovered the cold is not an issue, must get it out, seems a shame and waste not to. Alan
  10. Nice report Gerry, have you tried the extended alphabet on the the trapezium yet H G etc. Alan
  11. Stunning image and a strange galaxy this one, never seen it like this as far as i recall. Alan
  12. Not as sharp as you expected, I cut my finger on it!!, Great image, 34 hours I don't think I could do that if paid, cloud isn't playing ball here at the moment and it is strangely warm for this time. Alan
  13. Never seen that one before, thanks for sharing. Alan
  14. And there was me worrying about using my 071 with a 330mm Borg scope, a stunning image indeed. Interesting what you say about ice, I had troubles with cooling too quick, been fine since I slowed down a bit. Alan
  15. Looks very nice indeed from where I'm sitting. Alan
  16. Yes great pictures and a nice way to present them. Alan
  17. Shot this the other week and was not so impressed with the effort after 90mins at F7, but using another scope at a faster F4.3 I was surprised how much more was there and will try and add to it. This is just an hour with the Borg 77EDll, which is not spaced correctly yet but reasonable. I used that old wonder material, duct tape. This is 20x 3 mins on a 183MC and not very well processed in PS. It may well not even be focused well, I hate this focuser and wish I knew where I could get a Feather Touch that is if one works with this reducer. Here is the 90mins with a 071 and 115mm apo at f7 Alan
  18. Beautiful and one I have never seen before. Alan
  19. I feel the simple answer is no, I have a 071 too. You can buy a sliding filter holder but the one that I have seen that is close to the correct size is rather pricey at 150odd euros, then you require shims to make up the remaining part of a millimeter, I forget how much. I am told Zwo will be bringing out a 2 inch filter wheel soon but this will again be pricey for, in my case the holding of a IR/UV filter or if I buy one the L-enhance. Alan
  20. I have not sorted the spacing on the Borg 77ED yet and the edges are a little out of shape, they are also very difficult to focus in my view with that Helical type focuser, don't much like it. Alan
  21. Very nice image Bob, nice star colour and a rarely seen target, I can't recall it this year. Alan
  22. Nice shots, when time is short star cluster so many times come to the rescue, I'm doing M45 now fully expecting cloud. Alan
  23. The only thing I would say is Borg do have a very good name and if the say a back focus is 37.5mm then I guess it will be. Can't say I have had that much luck with the large TS Red reducer on my APO. It is stated at 55mm and seems a tad out, then I can't get a IR UV filter into the light path without spending rather a lot for what it is. The Borg is with it's own reducer not a 3rd party so it should just be a case of getting it right. Still finding focus a pain though. At least mine is in an observatory, though this scope looks rather silly on the CEM 60, it was a good job I didn't get the 120 version that i almost did. I feel the Borg has a good scope in it though, just a case of digging it out. Alan
  24. Two of the 7 sisters Ron, make a nice crop the way you have done it. I was looking at doing this last night but the camera is in the wrong orientation to get it all in and I couldn't be bothered to redo flats. I feel square sensors is the answer, or round ones. Nice image!!. Alan
  25. I have seen a number of very bright flashes from these type of satellites mostly low down towards the south/ south east over the years. I use to see them more than of late but I did see one a few weeks ago. You dont see anything before or after in way of a reflected light just the flash, they seem to travel mainly south to north. Alan
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