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alan potts

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Everything posted by alan potts

  1. Your advice is always sound, I will do that, it's raining at the moment so I guess that's not going to help matters, I always keep them outside too so maybe not a clever idea. I just get fed up of always taking Flats and Darks, which as you pointed out I don't do correctly, will work on that. I will put the camera in the boiler room, it's very dry in there and warm (26c) but not not silly hot. Alan
  2. It could just be me not having the Anti Dew on, I have not un-checked it but when your a novice like me it is easy to undo things and not realise. It is the first time I have had this since the first time out back in July and it has been wet of late albeit with clear nights. I will try to reduce the cool down and maybe go back to minus 5 again, I had no problems there or at least that I saw. I can't say I can see any difference anyway, zero, -5, -10, all appear much the same to me. I don't know if it was my imagination but the camera , for what ever reason did seem to get to minus 10 rather quickly these last 2 nights nights.. I have since run the subs from the night before and they are also similar but nowhere near as bad. Hey, who know Alan, maybe one day I will get right, even if it was an accident🙂. Alan
  3. Really guy's!!! I think I had that before, it is damp and I had slowed the cooling down after that one time ( the first time I used it) I don't believe I had it since. It is the Pro version and it has an anti dew feature which I must check it still ticked as the camera has been off scope. It is only very recently I have taken a step to minus 10 cooling, all other time I was just using minus 5. Weather has been a bit odd of late and I am sure Vlaiv will understand completely, sometimes we have to start cooling from much higher temperatures than we would see in England come darkness and then it can drop away fairly fast. Well thank you both of you and back to the drawing board, at least the stars look reasonable and will have to do in view of no more spacers. I may well try and slow the cooling even more than I have set. Thanks, Alan
  4. I seem to be a none stop source of trouble for all you members and I am just about sick of asking for help. I was trying to get the spacing correct for my APO and a .79 reducer, which did not give good shaped stars at the corners using the prescribed 55mm but appear a bit better at 55.2. However I must ask what the hell has happened to this image even though I had no intent of actually trying to make something out of it as there was very thin cloud, I have not used Flats and Darks as I need to take new ones. The image appears to have melted on the righthand side but seems OK on the left Can anyone tell me what I have done? Camera 071mc. Think it's about time to give this lark up🙂. Alan.
  5. Alan , Many thanks for all you have done for me, I thought at least to look at, this was a better shot, appears not, my eyes are lying to me. I have taken up enough of your time, this again was a shot with the 183mc and was not spaced correct as we said, at least we appear to have solved that one. For the time being I am going to forget the Borg until such time I decide whether to buy a L3 filter, which we both feel may help, or just get rid of it. For what one of these did cost new I can't say I am that impressed, I would have thought it should perform a little better than it has, maybe it can and it's just me. I may try it with a Canon camera as I have an adapter for it at a later date., I had the longer APO working last night with the .79 reducer and again even though the spacing was correct, at no small cost, it was not good for the corners. I added a 0.2mm and things did look a little better but still not spot on. This is so much easier to focus than the Borg and I feel is a better scope in any case even though it was dropped a few years back and maybe not perfectly aligned any more. I am beginning to feel that native F/L and a flattener is the best way to use scopes, I still intend to get one of FLO's 85mm Stella Mira's at 560mm. So lets see how that performs when I buy it, come April. Again many thanks you have been so helpful. Alan
  6. Alan, I have changed the camera on this scope for one night and was not happy with the results so I have removed it from the mount for the time being to try out my better apo with reducer to see what that offers. I did however come across this image of M45 taken with the Borg and the 183mc that I thought looked half decent, can you run this, if you have time, to see what you think, it was taken a while back before I got the correct spacers. It just look much better than almost all the other shots. L_2019-12-18_18-35-36.fit Many thanks, Alan
  7. Many thanks Alan, I will try what you suggest when I get a chance to use the scope again, I can't do flats again until I change the camera over and focus on a new target. I use a T shirt stretched over the front of the scopes and a photographic light box, clearly I have been exposing too long and will try to aim for what you suggest next time I do them. Weather is not great at the moment but there looks like a break coming Tuesday. Many thanks, Alan
  8. Alan, This is all getting very technical, on the flats I run the APT flat helper. This basically suggest I need not less than 500ms and not more than 2 seconds, now that's a fair range. Thinking back I may well have done a combination of these times so probably selected a longer one, I've posted the master. All of these need to be redone now anyway, so any advice you can give would be great. I tried to get a shot last night but was often with very thin cloud, it's a poor image and I am far from pleased with it. In fact I feel this Borg is better with the 071 and overall I am not pleased with it at all. I know I am not a great imager but i feel this scope is a lot of money new for not great results, well at least from me. I intend in March to buy the new FLO 85mm Stella Mira. So this is Master Flat minus 5, maybe I need to do them again when I put the 071 back on MasterFlat_ISO0.tif This is a frame of the 25 I took , at minus 10, maybe the focus is again off, this really is so so hard to get right. It is a shot of the Cone Neb, at least I think it is. L_2020-02-13_21-06-07.fit Weather is turning a bit now so maybe no clear sky for a few days. Many thanks Alan, Alan
  9. I tried this myself on the 183mc a good while back and stretched the image in APT and seen this on darks, end up pretty much like the one you have worked on. I feel I have given you a very early 2 minute Dark here where I see this fault too, maybe I was not careful back then, there is no light leak as far as I can see now I have changed my method. First the Obsey is dark with lights off, the lens cap is on the scope and I cover the lens cap with a very thick cloth, then cover the whole scope with a thick velvet curtain. I would have said now leaks were impossible. I don't cover the camera for fear of loss of cooling. I think I made a mess of these and have not dumped them, sorry to have wasted your time. Here is a flat for the 071, would it be better for you I post Masters for you? This is a single. F_2020-01-04_13-02-26.fit Here is a shorter 2 min dark that I took with the 183mc a good while ago D_2019-10-12_14-30-28.fit Here is a Dark I took yesterday with the 183mc, this is 3 minutes at minus 10 (getting adventurous) see if that the same, it looks better as I see it. For the life of me if it is I can't think what I did to cause that on the other one other than me not being careful then.. D_2020-02-10_13-18-42.fit Many thanks, Alan
  10. I also should have said and sort of along the lines of your reply, it is the most disappointing visual object I have ever looked at, even in my fairly large 18 inch Dob. Alan
  11. Yes saw it myself Dave, Antares is fairly well south south east by then and in dark sky as I get up around 5.45am. Alan
  12. You really are very good Steve, a lovely image with just the right amount of everything that I try to do but always fail and even though aware of it over saturate. Great image, why didn't I get an Esprit 150 when I could have for 3k. Alan
  13. The Gain is set to zero on both cameras, as it comes up in settings at best dynamic range, I thought this was best and have done it pretty much since I got them. I believe there are 3 pre-sets, Best Dynamic range, Unity and Lowest read noise, this equats to zero, just below mid-way and max on the slider. I don't believe I have mixed the darks as I keep them in different folders now, have done it in the past though. Here is an 071 dark and a 183 dark. These are from the old darks at minus 5 not the new one I did yesterday. 183mc D_2019-10-12_13-09-50.fit 071. D_2019-10-12_10-29-52.fit Alan
  14. Alan, I have decided to do a complete set of new darks and flats, maybe tomorrow I will have a clear sky, last night was not going to be any good, and cleared in part only for a short time. The Borg 77EDll has it's own filter draw infront of the reducer lenses, it is a 2 inch Astronomik's L2, which we have said may not be quite strong enough. I have been shooting on zero gain settings and I think the off set is also zero, I use the same on both cameras. I am going to persist with the 183mc for the moment so I can see if we get that right. I am sure it is me causing these issues as Borg is meant to be somewhat better than the normal run of the mill scopes, I didn't pay this but this scope combo would have cost about 2000 USD, so should be decent, unless something else is not correct that we don't know of. The shot with the 071 on the Flaming Star and partner to me at least suggests things are not so far away. I am not sure what to really look for on these Darks so I will post one up for you when I manage another image to look at. As I am sure you know all these darks, I shot 4 sets, have amp glow in this right side area, though this does not apply to the 071. Thank you so much for your time and help Alan. Alan
  15. I agree with our friend from Australia 10mm Delos will never disappoint. The Pentax is also a stunning eyepiece. Alan
  16. Alan, I am fairly sure the focus was not locked when I took this so I am, maybe wrongly, assuming that the blackness is cased by the slight bend in the optical alignment. I also seem to have gone through a period of clipping blacks I never had when using my other scopes. Why I have no idea. Extension tube wise I am just using those supplied with with the 071, unlike yourself I have M42 on the rear of the Borg adapter, at least I think I have. I can't check now due to snow still. There is just the one sleeve in the mix as I was told I need 37.5mm of backspace and the chip is recessed 17.5mm. So there is just the 20mm sleeve. I see the vignette on most images and at the moment do not have a software to remove them though I do try a vignette removal in Raw Camera Adjustment a part of PS, which helps. I will have a look at this in the next day or so as things are melting a bit and sort of getting back to normal. I am using flats and dark flats too but they could be dark on that side too as I may have had the focus lock untightened, dare say Darks are the same.. Been and checked!!, the M42 20mm fitting/spacer that is in now is much larger internally than the Zwo 21mm fitting and this shot was taken with the Zwo 21mm, so things should now be better. May have a go tonight if clear. Alan
  17. Thanks Dave, many would give up on me. I am a hopeless case. Alan
  18. Thank you for that, yes I have seen 55mm quoted on reducers and flattener, simple mistake for the likes of me to make, must see if I have a T2 nose piece now, guess I still require the IR/UV filter? Alan
  19. That looks nice and more like my own colour but better definition, I guess those Takacashi's are worth the price tag, would still like one. The sharpness of those tiny outer stars is just quite brilliant. I would say this is a beautiful shot of a lovely object, I don't really see anyone could criticise it, for sure not me. Alan
  20. Has anyone set up a Sky-Watcher M/N 190mm with either a 183mc 0r 071mc and are there any special considerations with regards to spacing. Forgive if this is a stupid question and you just connect the camera and use the focuser but I genuinely have no idea. I was considering trying the 183mc at 2x binning, this again a new venture for me to get into. If it helps back focus of both cameras is 55mm and the F/L of the M/N is 1000mm. I am also considering trying the Zwo OAG on this set-up in an effort to help the guiding, though I could of course resort to the guide scope at 242mm or try a 70mm ED at 420mm, I have a few option open to me. Alan
  21. Rodd, as superb an image that it is and maybe you did over sharpen the original, though to me it looked fine, very fine in fact. On this latest image to me the outer stars look a bit pink/purple which I have not seen before on any image of this target and for sure not mine (not in your class). That is how it is coming across on my monitor, which is a very high quality one and is meant to give accurate colour rendition. Any thoughts? Alan
  22. Alan I tried make stars smaller a few time with the action package I have, this seemed to give a very dark background that looked un-natural. It is a good while since I used any of them in truth. I prefer the views given by the 071 on this short F4.3 Borg and even when for sure things were not set up correctly it still gave a reasonable result, I did this a week before (no correct spacers) and for sure the focus was not locked but was in a slightly different sky area so maybe bent in a different direction. r I am still getting this blacker than black on the rightside of frame, this suggests to me the the focal plain is still off in the same way as most of my other images. There is still a good amount of out of control red spread about but when shooting these SH-2 areas I find it difficult to work out if this is a fault or faint nebular coming through. This is a shot of 20x 4 mins at zero gain on the 071 and Borg 330mm. I've seen worse. Alan
  23. Thank you for doing that Alan, I recall now I did really rush this and guiding was poor on one of the frames with me moving about in the observatory, for sure the guide line in PHD 2 did go to almost 2 pixels which is way outside where it would normally be , it rarely goes about half a pixel. So that may well account for the shapes. I feel I would use my 071 on this scope the most or if I buy one the new Zwo at APS C size. The results at the wider field are fairly pleasing to my at least. All that you have done is much appreciated and if nothing else turned me on to something I had forgotten in the locking of the focus. It is surprizing how easy it is to forget such things but I guess I will not be the last. May well get that L3 as well, how stupid I was getting two L 2's. Alan
  24. Alan, Maybe at this here is where the scope could benefit from the stronger L3 filter, F 4.3 is very fast even with the name Borg on it. I guess with wide field which is what it is aimed at the effects of the red being out are less noticeable. I bought the 183mc for this scope and maybe should have asked site for advice before taking the plunge. However at x 2 binning it will be good on my M/N 190mm, it not bad on my 805mm APO with reducer for getting close-ups too. Fancy the new 26mb camera from Zwo, only 1900 quid, I order half a dozen. I do like the wide field shots. Still not got full power back 2 days now, can't cook but we are warm which is something. Sirius last night was as still as I have ever seen it not a flicker, shame I can't get near the obsey. Alan
  25. Alan and Dave, I don't know if you can assess this it is only 3 frames stacked that I got the other night, I now have 70cms of snow outside and it could well be some time before I can get the Obsey open. Golly it was clear last night, no power and utterly Black sky before they got some power back on, 24hrs we were off, lots of damage all around. So I have loaded this on the off chance it will do, I think it is reasonable focus but that really causes me problems with so short a scope. To me the stars look better. Autosave.tif Hope you have some joy. Alan from a very snowy Bulgaria.
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