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alan potts

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Everything posted by alan potts

  1. Another beautiful image from you, make mine look a bit half baked and I thought it was decent too. I feel that H alpha and Olll really bring this out compared to my OSC, I intend to get a Optolong duel band filter in the next few weeks which may help. Alan
  2. Lovely target it is too Brian, I can get one or two more down here that are really beyond may in the Uk, but there are some in Scorpios that even I can't get as they only get about 6-7 degree high. Alan
  3. Can you post Jpegs, I can't open them, not that I will be able to help you but others I am sure will be having the same problem, Alan
  4. Yet another superb image from you Goran, Alan
  5. It is indeed a stunning photo and I don't have an issue with what you have done at all, some do. Personally I prefer to be outside and with the action, or lack of it. Alan
  6. How often do they pop up, I believe Olly bough his secondhand and I have seen two for sale in the last couple of years. So not often but then at that price point there are not going to be so many about. The last one I saw was 4000e, which for the size of scope is not bad, I do think they are expensive new though. Alan
  7. I had a TS 130 Photoline here for a fair while a couple of years back, decent scope though not as good as the Lzos of the the same size I also had here, but then it is about 3 times the price, The TS is very good value for money. As for you next list, the TEC would be my choice, stunning quality I am told by Olly and he know a thing or two about astronomy. Alan
  8. That is a very nice shot you have taken there, as good as any I have seen of it, well done. Alan
  9. John, I am hoping for weather to play it's part tonight, but the rain is falling at the moment. I would be interested in a bigger scope to match this one somewhere around the 120-130mm size, maybe interesting to see if one shows up in the next year or so. alan
  10. Superb image, as good as I have ever seen,, very well done Sir, Alan
  11. Really lovely image there, clouds down the other end of the Med too, just bought a new scope, so to be expected. Alan
  12. That very nice Brian, which of your scopes did you capture it with, I'm guessing the RC. Alan
  13. I hope you agree with my fairly quick observation with regards the build quality, the focus seems very good even when compared to Moonlite and Feather touch, both of which I have on other scopes. I have so much to do in the garden at the moment but the weather is not clear so it will have to wait. I have just cut 3 walnut trees down and I am battling to clear the massive mess before rain or snow tomorrow. I imagine your scope is superb at F10 with the collection of glass in the scopes, I want to see what F6.6 is like at high magnification on Venus, it's not ultra fast but Venus is a good test of any objective, I'm expecting a good result, I have a high quality triplet I can compare with and a mate not far away with another. Alan.
  14. Odd I have never heard it called that, always Synta. Alan
  15. It has a lovely quality feel and look about it, everything seem well engineered. I have had some fairly pricey scopes here in my hands either owned or borrowed for a good while, 130mm Lzos 115mm Lzos, 107mm APM and a 100mm TS. Unless I see something I missed it is equally as good finish wise as the first 3 and much better than the latter. Can't wait to try it on Venus, always a very good test for aberrations. I am going to get the reducer later this year as it is basically so cheap it seems silly not to, though I am not a fan of reducers having had a lot of problems with the ones I have. I am going to use it with the Hutech flattener which I bought on your recommendation, I am very pleased with it. Let's see how we get on, I will be putting it on the CEM 60 later today, though snow is on the way, how kind of FLO. Alan
  16. Ordered a new StellaMira 85mm last week from FLO, and today it arrived, I will do a report in due course as I get a chance to use it for photography and i will give it a going over with eyepieces on some targets. The think that has made me write this short thread is the weather, the last 6/7 nights have been clear though the Moon was annoyingly bright for the first few. last night was beautiful and so too this morning. My wife rings from work to tell me the scope has arrived, after about an hour clouds arrive. Then looked at the forecast, cloudy tonight and tomorrow and the a strong possibility of snow for Wednesday. It's not cricket is it? Alan
  17. I'm forecast clear sky tonight though it's cloudy as hell at the moment, this give me an idea, nice shot Mick.
  18. That is a shame and has spoilt a very nice image, I don't know your problem but there are some very clever and helpful people on here that I am sure will put you right, they did me, errrr, more than once. Alan
  19. That's very nice indeed, not one I have ever had a go at and one I have only ever seen with my 18 inch Dob. Fine piece of work Sir. Alan
  20. No it's not a daft question. At the moment we have had beautiful clear sky all day only to spoil itself as it gets dark then to clear as I'm going to bed. I have always been an evening viewer and apart from the odd time when I have set-up early morning to view something a bit special that about sums it up. You will find people that do all nighters and people that do early mornings. Normally I get so many clear skies I dictate when I want to view or photograph. Alan
  21. Yes you could well have a point there about the screen. I am using 28 inch Dell screen (decent quality) which is not as good as the one in the obsey, that is aimed at graphic designers and may well be better. I just have all my screens set at normal settings, default if you like. No matter what screen your work is still of the highest order Rodd. Alan
  22. That's a stunner Emil, almost 3-D, you have really done a top job on this one!! Alan
  23. That is a lovely image, is that crimson background common in shots around these area, I have had it on some of mine and thought it was a fault and tried to remove it, sometime the reason is that it is a large SH 2 area other time they are not marked as such. Alan
  24. That is better Rodd, but I tend to agree with our friend above from Cornwall, lovely part of the world I lived in for 3 month, went to make my millions and came back without a pot, etc. I find this saturation of of object so so difficult. I am always looking not to but do, then on the final image still knock it back. I see some images on here that I need to wear sun-glasses to view, it is so difficult to remain just a bit above natural. I'm sure you said but which scope was that taken with Rodd. Alan
  25. Lovely image you have taken there. Alan
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