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alan potts

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Everything posted by alan potts

  1. Not much to say other than wow. Alan
  2. The TV Delos is better in my view and I have had a few 14mm eyepiece, these two and the Meade 14mm UWA, that not a bad eyepiece in faster than F5 or so and in 10, I really liked it. Alan
  3. Lovely shot, not over saturated, well done Sir. Alan
  4. Considering the way you say you took it, absolutely superb shot, difficult to believe it could be better with darks etc. Alan
  5. Stunning, as good as any I have ever seen of this target. Alan
  6. I have to say it has not been so good here this year, many many clear days that spoilt themselves at sunset. Alan
  7. C-du-C seems to include all the Sharpless regions at different depths in the program, it doesn't show all the faint ones until you zoom in to 50, 20 and 10 degrees FOV. For ages I was calling this list Shapeless, which of course most are. Alan
  8. A lovely shot there Goran, I thought you didn't have much dark at this time of year, you must be up all night. Alan
  9. A lovely wide field shot, so much to see there and so nicely done. Alan
  10. Absolutely superb, though I had not seen much of you, too busy with this I see. A really great image and very nicely processed in my humble opinion. Alan
  11. Lovely shot Steve, can't recall seeing that one done before. Alan
  12. Beautifully done but a tad to saturated for my taste. Alan
  13. That's come out very nice, it is a target I want try with 330mm Borg. Alan
  14. That's as good as any I have seen, love the colour balance. Alan
  15. That extra focal length make all the difference, great shot. I have a 12 inch LX 200 but not the skill or mount to pull off something like this. Alan.
  16. Always a pleasure to look at your fine work!! Alan
  17. Beautiful work, seems you are liking the new camera, your sure using it well Goran. Alan
  18. Without question I would send it back, my scope is over 10 years old and has much less dust than this, infact it is very difficult to see any. Alan
  19. Sadly I did use it but there was a sagging problem with the focuser, at least working for 3 weeks or so with Ian King on the problem, that was his findings. On the whole I liked the scope and it was sharp in the centre of field. There was a star elongation issue in one diagonal axis, lead Ian to conclude this. There was a possibility it was the Hutech flatener but I don't buy that that one myself and was only tabled as a suggestion. Unfortunately I had to return it, then there appeared to be no more at FLO and they were not sure when they were getting more. As I am at the moment tied to dealing with the UK only up until 31st Dec I have shelved the idea for the time being. Alan.
  20. As good as any image I have seen on this site, stunning result. Alan
  21. A wonderful image, I was sat for a few minutes, atlas open, photo open, trying to work out how the heck you got that with an 8 inch, then FLO site open and see it's 400mm. Great shot. Alan
  22. I know you want to enhance the blue having read what you said about, can you not cheat and do this in PS by choosing Select, using Colour Range and then laying what ever you want into only that colour, I use it a lot and it will not touch the reds. Alan
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