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alan potts

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Everything posted by alan potts

  1. Well what a strange sight that was last night, never seen anything like it before, a very long line of unevenly space satellites, sort of reminded me of circus elephants. Then as it stretched from the horizon to almost directly overhead they disappeared one by one as they went into shadow from the earth. Alan
  2. Though I bought Zwo only because they had a CMOS the size I wanted in the shape of 071. I wanted to really buy Atik, not the first time I have read such top quality customer service from them, a few years down the line when they will no doubt do larger chips I would like one from them. Alan
  3. Exactly what David has stated above, he was instrumental in getting me up and running and it worked very well for a good while before I changed mounts. Alan
  4. alan potts


    Stunning detail but then look what you took it with. Great iamge Rodd. Alan
  5. Snap I used that expression only yesterday showing a snap shot of the Moon on facebook, can't say I can ever recall using Royal in that context. Alan
  6. It is one I intend having a go at but even with clear skies the Moon is holding me back with only having OSC's. Nice start Rodd. Alan
  7. I will need to read up on that one, never tried it before. I always thought Resize was about making the image and file size smaller. I am going to try the 183mc on the 800mm, I have used it with reducer at 635mm and it gave nice results so it will be usable I would have thought. I was also wondering if I can use the 183mc as a guide camera through the 330mmBorg for a better guide maybe. Alan
  8. Olly can you suggest a software for this, I only have PS. Alan
  9. Thanks for all the answers, I was rather led by the APT software showing 1x1 2x2- 4x4 binning and just thought it was all cameras. I will give the 183mc a try on the APO, sure I will get something. Alan
  10. Question, I have a 183mc which has pretty small pixels 2.4um I think. Now I would like to use this on my 800mm scope but at 1x1 bin rate they are really too small. If I use it as 2x2 binned will this work? I want to try M1 and at least get something of reasonable size on the capture. Alan
  11. Brilliant image and one I have not seen done before, miserable here so I hope you have the clear patch. Alan
  12. Basic in your eyes it may be but you really take some very good images with it, this one is rather lovely. Alan
  13. I found the problem I think, The debeyer had vanished and I am sure I never touched it, once replaced it worked fine. I do not like this new version of DSS it stinks. Where i used to add a whole folder, registration files as well, now it give you grief over putting them in the mix. I will look at the suggestion of APP in the next couple of months, you get a free trial with it so what could be better. The downside is my IT is poor at best though once I know something I OK. Alan
  14. It is something I will consider, where sells it ? What I can't understand is all the setting have changed and I've lost the debayer of the camera, I am getting it back slowly by reading other peoples problems. I never touched anything, just un-real Peter. Alan
  15. Thank you for the input but it not that for sure, I tried it with 6 different sets and Jpegs all go to a different folder. In my case it would not work with the Masters of the Dark (which it has for over a year) Flat and Dark Flat. On their own just Lights, no problem. Some times this hobby make you want to take the whole lot and dump it. Not that I will Alan
  16. I am wondering what the hell else can go wrong for me, massive problem with APT which seem to have gone now with help. Now DSS is giving me grief. I have used this for a number of years without issue at all, after it was set up, again with help from site. Now same camera same settings (not changed any I know of) doesn't want to know at all. All it does is display "The checked pictures are not compatible in width, height or number of colours. Only one master dark, offset and flat used." Every picture is the exact same size and I only ever use the master Dark, it is only the last week i have taken a set of Flats and D Flats. All Masters save a TIFF's but they always have and always until today worked fine. Can anyone tell me what I have done, the first indication wheels had come of was when I processed 70 frames of the Iris and no plane and satellite trails were removed by Median Sigma clipping is enabled
  17. Lovely image Steve, this always reminds me of Rick Wakeman playing the mass of keyboards that use to surround him when in Yes, with dry ice of course. Alan
  18. When I was a kid they sold scopes based on magnification, which was grossly exaggerated beyond the scopes ability to deliver a clear image, now they just lie. Alan
  19. I feel you may see a bigger difference when you use XW's in a faster scope. I had 8-5mm zoom with an 82 degree FOV, the name of which has completely gone from the dormant organ in my head. It was decent in the centre but at the edges the wheels feel off. Fully agree with the Nagler zoom. Alan
  20. I just do 4 minutes, could easily do more with the decent dark sky I have here. This is collected this year and last year. I put 14 hours of data on the site for people to have a play if they want. I don't claim to be expert or anything but some that don't have cooled camera and dark sky may get some benefit and indeed see if there is an improvement over their DSLR's. As I collect them in batches it give me chance to look at the frames on a night by night basis, all told there will be about 10 nights and most the time I'm at the scope anyway, our weather is generally better than the UK. Alan
  21. Well that's come out nice, I have just done 16 hours on this and apart from richer colours all round, mine don't show a great deal more, must be doing something wrong, my scope is 115mm so similar to your. Alan
  22. It was odd here too Steve, forecast was for patchy cloud, clear as a bell and still. Alan
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