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Everything posted by morimarty

  1. Some stunning detail in this one Steve. I might try upping the power on my C11 after seeing this one. Great work.
  2. Some lovely subtle detail on show Simon. Love the colour balance too.
  3. Thats a lovely image & animation excellently processed.
  4. Loads of detail coming through craig. Especially considering the conditions.
  5. A lovely image and very well processed
  6. Thats a lovely sequence I have got to try to do one of these sometime.
  7. Another pearler Simon excellent work.
  8. Thats a nice image +1 what Pete said about finer focus.
  9. Those are two lovely images Pete. I am sitting on the fence with this one because I like them both equally😀
  10. Thats a stunning image Darryl. And beautifuly presented.
  11. There is some stunning detail / resolution in that image Geof. You have processed it very well as IR is not the easiest data to deal with.
  12. A nice set of images Tom. The Mars image in particular is very impessive. I have now given up on Jupiter&Saturn.
  13. Very well captured and processed Craig.
  14. Wow Simon that is absolutely stunning. That as to be the best mars image I have seen from these shores this apparition or any for that matter. Congratulations on a great image.
  15. Lots of lovely fine detail in that image And a very interesting thread.
  16. Very nice detail and a good size too. Do you have any colour data to go with it?
  17. It looks very smooth Tom lots of detail on show and I like the colour balance too.
  18. @Chrb1985 I am using the baader 1.3/2.25 variable barlow it is currently operating @ 1.65x HTH.
  19. I managed to capture this image of Mars on the 19.09.20. The conditions were very windy with low fast moving cloud. The histogram was dancing all over the place. Excuses excuses. C11 Asi290mm Baader Rgb filters As2 Astroart5 Cs6
  20. Thats excellent fine detail (resolution) you have captured there Simon. I know the weather gods were not on our side last night so very well done.
  21. Excellent capture image and processing too Very well done.
  22. Thats a cracking image Tristan. Lots of very nice contrasty detail from the 250pds.
  23. Thats a very good final image Paul especially considering the poor conditions you had.
  24. Outstanding detail in this image Craig. I have got to ask you though, why synthetic green was you experimenting?
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