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Everything posted by morimarty

  1. Very well put together Peter. Doing a animation is something I really want to try one day.
  2. This image of Jupiter was captured on the same night as my recently posted Saturn image. It's a little bit on the noisy side, The transparency was good but there was alot of thin high cloud about. C11xlt - Asi290mm - Baader rgb filters Processing As3 AA5 Ps6 Reg6.
  3. Thanks for the comments and likes everybody they are very much appreciated. I think we have all come to the same conclusion that Saturn as passed It's sell buy date now.☹️
  4. Well done Carole and congratulations on being voted top pick. An absolutely fantastic image and what a great camera & lens combination.
  5. Probably my last Saturn of this season as it is getting more difficult to capture from my location. Transparency was fairly good but thin high cloud was playing its part with a yo-yoing histogram. C11 Asi 290mm Baader rgb filters Processed in AS3 AA5 PS6 Reg6. With a final white balance in Reg6.
  6. Well done on your image Tom. Thats a very interesting set up you have a Fastar newtonian? I use firecapture and it as two options 8 bit or 16 bit my asi290mm is 12 bit but I do capture in 8 bit and had no problems or noticed any detriment in quality.
  7. Some stunning detail on show in these images Simon. The transparency was fairly good on the night it was just the clouds causing all the problems. Excellent Job.
  8. Very well done on your first planetary image. Deepsky/planetary imaging are chalk & cheese as I'm sure you are now well aware of.🙂
  9. Thats a very nice image Peter. A little bit of noise in a image is fine as long as it is controlled and at this resolution it certainly is.
  10. Very well done Dave The second Jupiter is razor sharp.
  11. Great work Mark you have captured some striking detail.
  12. What a fantastic capture Angie. All your time and effort as certainly paid off. Hope the laptop starts behaving itself.
  13. They are a very impressive set of images Trevor. The saturn shot is showing some nice banding.
  14. You have done really well Neil.The detail on the moons is excellent considering the conditions throughout the UK. Just thinking the over sampling may well have helped with the moon captures with them being small objects?. you are always willing to experiment so a thumbs up from me. I have actually increased my sampling to 0.15 from 0.12 but may move it back slightly having seen your results.
  15. Thats very nice Peter. Lots of detail on show in this capture. The seeing is everything in planetary imaging and its been very scarce this year.
  16. This image of Jupiter is a 1000 frames per channel rgb taken from a single capture on 06-09-21. The histogram was very low due to thin high cloud but the data processed better than expected. C11 @ 4000mm Asi260mm Baader filters software As3 Reg6 aa5 Cs6.
  17. A very nice montage Neil. That saturn is exquisite.
  18. They are excellent images Simon considering the seeing over the east midlands last night. I've deleted all my runs off the laptop as it was that bad. You have worked wonders with those so very well done.
  19. Some stunning detail in both the Saturn & Jupiter images Simon. It's a real shame the green & blue did not live up to the red and Ir channels. It's very strange what is going on up there as the red channel was letting my green & blue down on my jupiter captures. And as neil said in is thread the jet stream is not over us at the moment so my guess is that it could be very thin cloud or bad air currents?
  20. My first capture of Saturn in what feels like ages. Captured with a C11 Asi290mm Baader rgb filters. Processed in reg6 aa5 Cs6.
  21. Yep both me and Simon finally managed to get out last night first time in well over a month. Also I totally agree with you Neil. Seeing is everything in this hobby of ours.
  22. A very nice contrasty image Chris with loads of details showing. Also Remember He who Hoots with owls by night should not soar with eagles by day😀
  23. Nicely captured with some good banding showing
  24. You have some lovely images posted in this thread Neil. And as Angie says the second Saturn is really doing it for me too. It's interesting using the R6 white balance as i'm just processing last nights saturn and I am finding it is giving similar results to your findings.👍
  25. I'm really liking the jupiter images Neil you have captured some lovely detail on jupiter and on ganymede.
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