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Everything posted by morimarty

  1. Great images Simon. I Know they were shot through a thin high cloud layer and the red channel was non existant. 20fps is the best I could get on Saturn that night😀
  2. Excellent Work Neil Your Saturn images are beautifully stunning.
  3. That Jupiter image as striking detail on show Simon. I think this one is your best by far. excellently processed too.
  4. I'm loving them Saturns Neil. The rgb colour balance looks spot on to my eyes it is clearly your best so far. Regarding the hexegon I cannot see it but I dare say while processing you could have seen glimpses of it? You have also captured a very fine Jupiter too.
  5. Very well done thats quite some detail for a eyepiece projection capture.
  6. Pete your Jupiter image as some very fine intricate detail on show I think it is stunning. The Saturn Image aint half bad either on a side note dont you have a Asi290mm just being nosey😁
  7. That is a superb saturn Craig the rings are beautifully smooth. Also I totally agree with Pete you have definetly captured the Encke thats no mean achievement in itself.👍
  8. Thats a good image Dave for your first of the season. Im sure you will soon get back in the swing of things.
  9. Well captured Steve. I will watch you battle with Winjupos closely as it is something I'm trying to get my head around aswell😀
  10. Well done on capturing Pluto it is something I would like to try myself. Think I will have to dust down the deepsky rig to have any chance of success 🙂
  11. Fantastic detail in them jupiters Simon Even Ganymede is showing clear detail too. The Saturns are beautiful and smooth and you have captured a great Ir action shot. A big👍 from me.
  12. They are superb images Simon. I know the transparency wasn't very good here last night so you have worked miracles with them Excellent stuff👍
  13. You have captured some lovely detail Craig. The winjupos image is superb and the colour balance is spot on very well done.
  14. Peter Jeremy & Neil thanks for the positive comments. Neil I use a baader IR 685 filter but I am finding the difference is very subtle indeed. The Asi 290mm is really close to the IR band and most of the time my red channel is better than the IR. Even on the moon. Regarding saturn I sometimes process the rings seperately depending on the data quality I capture.
  15. Thanks for the comments and likes everyone they are much appreciated. @Craney Hi Sean the red channel as a little bit more intricate detail than the G&B channels so adding it as a luminance can bring out a bit more detail. but it can be a fine balancing act as it can dilute the colours. @si@niteHi Simon Yep very strange the higher the planets climbed the worse the seeing got. We live and learn😀
  16. Saturn & Jupiter both captured in the early hours on the 11-7-21. Saturn is Ir rgb image & Jupiter is Rrgb. C11 Asi290mm Baader Ir rgb filters.
  17. They are a cracking set of images Simon. I particular like the second Jupiter image with Ganymede on the limb showing surface details . And as Neil points out your Saturn images have some lovely banding too. Beautifully done Simon.
  18. Thats a excellent image of Jupiter Neil loads of detail to peruse in this one. Regarding oversampling it is said the general rule is 5x per pixel max. But it as been argued that 7x is more realistic with todays equipment? It is what works best for you.
  19. Very nicely captured and processed I can just see one of the moons on the edge of the frame also.
  20. They are a excellent compilation of mars images. It really was a enjoyable 2020 opposition.
  21. Thanks all for the very positive comments and likes they are all very much appreciated. @neiil phillips Hi Neil I seem to be the opposite to you in as much it is Jupiter I'm struggling with. I'm shooting Jupiter right over the top of the Derby royal hospital at the moment so I am getting a lot of boiling where as Saturn is well clear. The seeing was very good on the 13-6-21 for this capture I'll attach my log file from firecapture all the data is in there. I will try and attach a giff from pipp but i have not made one before so not sure if it will work? Log file R.txt
  22. The last of my SER files captured on the 13-06-21. I am really pleased the way this one as turned out considering the low elevation etc. C11 - Asi290mm - Baader rgb filters.
  23. Thats a great result from the little 120mm and the SW250 of coarse.
  24. They are a cracking set of luna images Steve. The top image in particular looks exceptional.
  25. You have captured some lovely detailed images Neil. I thnk that antares secondary is really doing the job for you. It as picked up some superb contrast in the early morning light. I'm looking forward to see what it can do in some darker Ideal conditions.
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