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Everything posted by morimarty

  1. Thats just superb Brendan. 10 minutes and still nothing there. Wow that is faint. I can see it as been meticulously processed and it's well worth your every second spent Excellent.
  2. Some very nice detail on show maybe just a bit on the small size but nevertheless still a great image.
  3. A great detailed martian image Pete. I noticed you switched cameras was there any particular reason other than the obvious osc.
  4. Thats a very impressive image Pete. I can definitely see some cloud detail on my monitor.
  5. I managed to get a quick capture on Jupiter in the early evening of the 20-08-20 The seeing was very poor with fast rolling clouds playing havoc with the histogram. Jupiter was also skimming the neighbours conifers so I am quite pleased with the result. Telescope C11 Camera asi290mm Filters Baader RGB
  6. That is a cracking image Steve. I know the conditions are really poor out there at the moment. So great stuff the C11 as certainly delivered for you with this one.
  7. Think there was a lot of moisture up there last night that probably counts for more noise than usual.10hrs should be just right on the veil. As said it is a good start and it is nicely framed.
  8. You have worked miracles Peter to get any detail at all with the conditions as they were.
  9. I think they are exceptional images considering the conditions.
  10. Well done Simon on capturing decent IR & red images. The seeing last night was horrendous in our neck of the woods as it probably was all over the country. All my captures have now gone in the bin😬
  11. What a beautiful sharp clean image of Saturn back in 2013 that is Simon. The 2020 image Isn't to bad either, But as Peter said you can clearly see the benefit of more elevation. One good thing with the Planets being so low is that it must be improving all the planetary imagers processing skills.
  12. Excellent image Peter, just shows what can be achieved when the skies play ball.
  13. Excellent image the colour balance looks spot on to me.
  14. Loads of detail on the GRS and SEB Peter. I'm finding Jupiter a very difficult target at moment So very well done.
  15. After imaging jupiter with the seeing very poor, I turned to Saturn where it was surprisingly much improved. Scope C11 Camera Asi290m Filters Baader RGB
  16. Some superb detail you have captured Peter, In particular the IR colour image of Saturn.
  17. Thats a good image Chris considering you were imaging between the chimney pots and not wearing the above attire.
  18. Thats a cracking image Dave, And very well presented.
  19. Thanks Brendon it was seeing your fantastic image of the elephant in SHO palette that encouraged me to go after the SII. Thankyou Alan. Thats very much appreciated. And thanks everyone who commented and ticked the likes.
  20. Very mushy seeing on jupiter in the early hours, But amazingly one degree or so higher saturn faired much better. I persisted with the data of jupiter as I was experimenting with different settings. I'm still non the Wiser. Scope C11 Camera asi290 Filters baader RGB
  21. Finaly managed to capture some SII data to go with the Bi colour image I posted in july. Scope WO FLT98 working at 508mm FL Camera Atik 460ex Filters Baader Ha 7nm OIII 8.5 SII 8.5 Capture Ha-4hrs OIII-3hrs SII-3hrs Thanks for looking
  22. These are very good and well presented images of Saturn Sime. I know the conditions were poor last night so very well captured and processed.
  23. Thats a great image with lots of detail on show.
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