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Everything posted by morimarty

  1. Hi Neil I think you are spot on about reducing the focal length. I am basically using the same power train I use on the planets as I thought the moon might be able to handle it. I use a meade 2x Telenegative 140 screwed on the camera nose piece which is giving about 1.7x The next time out I will shoot the moon at native and work from there Thanks for the advice I really do appreciate it. Just on a side note I have seen a used celestron ultima would this be able to screw on the nose piece as the meade 140 does?
  2. Thats a cracking Gassendi image Pete. The 1.8x barlow looks to be a good match with your Asi174mm. But as you say the later 2 images probably a bit over powered for the conditions as I myself am finding out to my own detriment. It's still good to get out though and experiment with different setups.
  3. You should be happy with it Trevor. There is some good close up detail in this image . Can I ask what filter you are using IRpass/Red/Green?. I will certainly second what you say about NP Is images speak for themselves.
  4. A trio of images captured on the 14-3-22 with C11xlt Asi290mm Baader Ir685pass filter. Seeing Avg. Moretus Mersenius Gassendi.
  5. Some very nice images there Trevor but the Clavius/Tycho image is the stand out one for me. The detail in this image is excellent you certainly captured a window of good seeing with this one.
  6. Great to see you have blown them cobwebs away Simon. They are 2 lovely images from the C925.
  7. Thats a very good image. The craterlets are very prominent within Mersenius.
  8. Very nicely captured Peter. Shiller looked very striking last night.
  9. Thats very interesting information Peter. Very well captured and presented well done.
  10. A lovely set of images Fedele.
  11. Yep lots of nice detail on show Neil even though the seeing was very jittery. There are great images to be had with the cassagrain once we can get some decent weather. Also good information above on the different ways to improve the capture data regarding frame rates gain etc. It is a constant battle just trying to find that sweet spot as nearly every clear night we get is always different. (Oh yeah It's always safer to stay clear of the edge very dangerous)😀
  12. The detail in the first image is absolutely stunning very smooth and excellently processed, The other two images are good but the first one steals the show for me too. I would highly recommend folks clicking on the image for the full resolution.
  13. Petavius crater captured monday evening 7-3-22 in very blustery conditions. Wiki describes this stunning crater as having a 170 miles diameter and a double rampart terrace rising to 11000ft. The crater floor is convex rather like a crown bowling green where the central mountains rise up to 1.7kilometers above the surface. The crater also as a magnificent rille system with the prominant rimae petavius measuring 48miles x 1mile. This crater looked stunning on my laptop while capturing. So I would think this is a spectacular target for the visual observers. C11 1.5x barlow asi 290mm baader red filter. As3 R6 aa5 cs6
  14. A very nice image of M101. Looking at both images side by side the Ha as definitely put the icing on the cake. You should be very satisfied with your work.
  15. Thats a very nice capture considering the seeing wasn't to good. The location looks to be perfect even though you had to contend with that bright light. I bet you and your 6yo had a great time.
  16. That looks really smooth Pete showing a lovely phase . I'm sure if detail is to be had both yourself and neil will be all over it..
  17. Another great capture Neil. There is definitely lighter and darker shaded areas on the disk particular towards the bottom half. You dont happen to be a Taurus the bull are you? Traits of Stubborness and all.🙂
  18. A very nice set of images in very difficult conditions. I particular like the first mineral moon shot.
  19. What a great effort Neil you are definitely inching your way to success in picking up subtle cloud detail. The second image is a little bit sharper especially on the limb area probably due to the black increase just the right amount I'd say. I can also definately see a very subtle shaded area. That looks like a very well spent £23 to me.
  20. What a superb image of markarians chain and just 2 hours excellent work.
  21. They are great images Neil. The phase is very clear and well defined. looking forward to see what you can capture with the UV filter when it arrives.
  22. Wow was my first reaction too. The detail in the full res versions is absolutely stunning Congrats.
  23. I have just looked up your camera and YES you are correct the Asi120mc-s does have uv-ir cut filter built in. My mistake as I thought it was the standard Asi120mc. Anyway well done on your capture I will be watching the phases of venus with interest.
  24. Very well captured Kon especially with the conditions you had to endure. Are you using a uv-ir cut filter? As Neil said in your last post you really do need one with a colour camera.
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