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Everything posted by morimarty

  1. Lovely work Neil. Gif's are the main reason I went for a Asi462c.
  2. They are a cracking set of images Simon. Both Saturn & Jupiter are looking very clean and well defined and capturing Mars is a bonus too. The season really is looking very promising indeed.
  3. Well done Kon for getting out there and homing your skills capturing Jupiter & Iss. Having seen the image of the Iss you posted a few weeks back which I would say is the best I've seen on this forum it is also good to post the less pleasing ones just to show how difficult it really is imaging in the UK conditions.
  4. Battling away Neil as produced 3 very respectable images. I am suprised at the detail you have captured in the mars image. It really is looking very promising for the season.
  5. Wow they are stunning images of Jupiter Neil especially this early in it's apparition. You have definetly got the big newt tuned right on the sweetspot
  6. The IR Saturn is showing some very good detail Neil The big newtonian as definetly resolved the cassini ring at the front you just need that little bit more stable seeing to to define it a little more clearly. Also love the over exposed Saturn to bring out the moons (which moon is the bright one Titan?) The Jupiter image I can see is captured in daylight so that as come out really well. Considering the conditions you are having to cope with at your location they are excellent images.
  7. Thats another very nice capture in awful conditions Kon. I really like how you have captured europa right on the limb.
  8. You know Neil I am finding It very strange as the lower Saturn is in the sky the better the seeing seems to be. I can only put it down to local buildings/house rooftops etc as when Saturn is at best elevation I do have to shoot over the top of these buildings and the seeing tends to go down unfortunately. Thanks for the comments and likes everyone.
  9. Thought I may as well post Green & Blue channels aswell. Rrgb rotated 180 Green & Blue channel
  10. Changed my camera back from the Asi462c to my Asi290mm for my latest capture of Saturn as I wanted to compare the difference between the two cameras, particularly the sensitivity in IR. With the Asi290mm and a baader Ir 685 filter I found It dont bring anything new to the mix as it is very near IR sensitivity in the red channel anyway. To me there is no doubt the Asi462c is a clear winner imaging in the IR. But for just RGB the Asi290mm takes it. horses 4 courses. Rrgb Asi290mm Red channel Asi290mm IR 685 filter Asi290mm C11 Asi290mm baader filters 2xbarlow 1200frames per stack.
  11. Well done Kon for getting out there ( I bottled It ) your Ir shots are producing some lovely fine details. It's also very encouraging to see Mars strutting It's magic too. The rgb Jupiter as a great colour balance also.👍
  12. Hi Kon I am currently experimenting with exposure settings at the moment as I'm trying to find that sweet spot for the asi462mc. Looking at the spec charts on Flo's website. I have noticed the read noise is at it's lowest at gain 300-350 so I would advise you to try upping the gain to this figure then you could reduce exposure a little which will then increase your frame rates. Regarding the histogram I would rather be on the lower side as you can easily compensate for this in processing.
  13. Hi Neil sorry It took a while for me to get back to you (been out fishing all day) My Ir capture was 40fps Histogram 63% gain360 exp24.47ms USB traffic 80 High speed on 1250 frames stacked. I was trying to keep this stack as sharp as possible as this as the detail. The rgb settings were the same only difference was that I stacked 3000 frames as I just needed the stronger colour data. In firecapture I could max out the USB traffic which will increase frame rate also up the gain to 400ish but would be at risk of the laptop freezing. I'm still experimenting with different settings but as you know every session is different HTH.
  14. That is an excellent first light with your new Asi462mc Kon. You can clearly see the difference the sensitivity in Ir as made on the Saturn image. I am totally Bowled over with this camera as I'm sure you will be too Great Stuff. Ps do you prefer to be called Kostas or Kon or not bothered either way🙂
  15. This is a IRrgb Saturn captured on the 22-6-22 in very average seeing though did'nt have the dew problem as some have had to deal with. C11 Asi462 Adc 2x barlow resized 115%
  16. Your Saturn capture looks very simular to what I was getting Neil. Regarding your mount the big newts moment will take it out on a Eq5. I use a Neq6 and when I used my 250pds I was forever having to keep tweeking and fine tuning it. I did eventually do a belt conversion mod to it which definitely improved the mounts tracking and was alot quieter in use. I do hope you can sort out the Eq5 as you dont want that bouncing about as if having to deal with uk seeing Is'nt hard enough!
  17. Another nice capture Neil. The practice you are getting right now in poor conditions is definetly going to pay dividends when you do get that elusive window. I did'nt have the due problem up here in the midlands but it looked like the jet stream to me was playing havoc with my imaging runs. just going through the data now.
  18. Considering the bad seeing last night Neil both images have faired very well You have captured some nice fine detail on jupiter again in daylight so very well done. The Saturn image is showing nice banding on the globe and the cassini ring is almost tantalizingly complete. The thin high cloud and poor seeing put a early end to my imaging session last night.
  19. Absolutely. Use the uv/ir cut filter for your colour capture then switch to the Ir pass for mono Ir pass capture.
  20. Now thats not a bad start to the new season Hey Simon. It's all looking very promising for things to come. The Ir is definitely showing tighter/sharper rings and banding on the globe. well done.
  21. The seeing was fairly poor all over the country last night but despite that you have managed to pull out two very nice images so well done. You have also made a great choice IMHO with the Asi462c I am totally taken with this camera but dont forget you will need a Adc and IR filter to compliment It as I'm sure you Know.👍
  22. I would leave it Neil we can all look back as a reference and see the actual conditions you were having to shoot through so early. The detail is quite remarkable condidering.
  23. Neil I am totally blown away with the 462c camera chip.The sensitivity in IR is just incredible this should make it perfect for the UK seeing conditions.
  24. Neil I had you in mind all the time I new you would appreciate it. Thats a lovely comment Neil Thank you. Yes I think we are in for a very exciting season the more the merrier.
  25. My intention was to try and image jupiter but to my annoyance I soon realised I could not get on it due to a big apple tree in the line of fire. So Saturn to the rescue after a quick slew. C11- Asi462c - AsiAdc - 2x barlow Firecapture - As3 - R6 - Cs6 IR osc. IR 685 filter RGB
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