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Open Club  ·  33 members

West Midlands


  1. What's new in this club
  2. Hi all, are there any dark sky areas in Coventry is coombe abbey good enough? if allowed in the park at night. Happy Observing 😊
  3. Anything west from Bridgnorth is perfect compared to what you can get in Wolverhampton
  4. If you go west of Wolverhampton - eg: past Shipley, there are a number of villages most will have recreation grounds which can give good horizons...
  5. Morning All, I've been looking at locations where I could do some imaging outdoors as long it is safe and relatively dark, unfortunately I don't have the luxury of backyard or Garden. In addition to gostargazing.co.uk, I came across this site www.darkskydiscovery.org.uk, I've even reached out to https://www.hanwellobservatory.org.uk/ near Banbury to see if their grounds were open to armature astronomers (no response as yet). Been to Chesteron Mill (CV33 9LB) recent weeks (3 nights) to look at Comet Neowise, classed as Bortle 4 by Clear Outside app. Night 1 - I just went to scout and and was amazed that I could see Neowise, Night 2 - completely dark and loads of stars was surprised. Night 3- did some imaging (but was full Moon), with DSLR and flimsy tripod. Pros It does get relatively very dark, I could see milky way lanes (faint) with naked eye. Was quite and a few people imaging, either landscape photography or astro Public access Saw a group doing a night sky tour (I think), they were all huddled in chairs (social distancing of course) while someone was pointing at sky and giving a talk, could be a cult..who knows Limited parking Cons Bit of a walk up to the mill, so if you are strong then you can haul up your kit. Trolley might work but its grass so be warned, I'm trying to get a portable kit....still in the works. Glow from Warwick but it could also be due to summer and it took about 1 am to get completely dark The wind mill is an obstruction but you can pick a spot around it and stay there for the night. limited parking next to the gate/entrance, I would say roughly 15 cars seen parked (this was at the height of Neowise frenzy) I suggest go during the day and scout the area then decide. If I do hear from Hanwell Observatory I'll let you folks know...would prefer a location that provide access to mains (happy to pay a fee for elec) I'm still mulling over the kit I need, need to decided on Mount (needs to be go to) and Power supply. I wanted to attach an image I took on Night 3 but can't seem to upload a file, will try again.
  6. Hi Everyone. Could anyone recommend any dark observing sites near Wolverhampton, Walsall or the west midlands area? Jupiter and Saturn are good in my telescope but there is light pollution and are partly blocked on the horizon. It would be great to pack the scope and drive for 20 mins to a dark site. Thanks bsf
  7. Hi Steve we at Wolverhampton AS are trying to find somewhere Sunday & Monday nights to see Neowise. Had a great night last weekend up the Long Mynd.
  8. Hi, had a break from astronomy due to work etc, but slowly getting back into it! Love to join in if you are planning any observation nights etc
  9. I've stumbled across this old topic! I live very close to Dean the op of this thread! Have you guys met up at all? Found a good site?
  10. We are holding our first Society meeting online with the speaker doing a YOu tube presentation followed by a Zoom discussion on Monday 11th May. We also have an observatory site a few miles west of Wolves that members can use.
  11. Hi, Yes, I'm interesting in joining the WolvAS as soon as this lockdown is over. Turns out reading on stargazers lounge has made me change my mind on scope. I've decided to get the 130PDS to better suit the EQ5 Pro mounts' weight limit.
  12. You could join the Wolverhampton A. S. at wolvas.org.uk we have several sites but none are open for access at the moment I guess.
  13. Hi all, sorry about dragging this topic up from 3 years ago! During this lockdown we're all now facing, I've recently gotten back into Astronomy, and focusing more on astrophotography. I'm in the process of purchasing a SkyWatcher Explorer 150PDS on a EQ5 Pro mount to start off with. It's been a while since the last post in this discussion, and I wondered if anybody knows of any decent sites for astronomy and possible group meetings. I'm based in Sedgley; between Dudley and Wolverhampton, but willing to travel if there are any sites that a couple of people are open to travelling to.
  14. This saturday looks so bad I had assumed you meant saturday 23 anyway! DOH!
  15. No problem, will try for the next weekend that's clear ? I'll drop a post on here
  16. Unfortunately I can't do tonight as I'm on babysitting duty. Andy.
  17. If it's clear Saturday anyone up for a bit of stargazing?
  18. Hello Steve, Drop Andy a PM (hover over his user name and click message) .
  19. I can do tonight. I think it's worth a gamble on Shropshire. Can PM a possible location Andy.
  20. Just did another check for same location in Shropshire. It's a little bit more of a gamble but is nice and dark. Andy
  21. Clear skies at the minute up in fife fingers crossed it stays that way! Where u looking to go?
  22. Is anyone up for tonight? Forecast looks like it could go either way but improving after midnight, better in Staffs than Shropshire at the moment...
  23. The SAS are an epic bunch of people. Their outreach sessions at Attingham Park are amazing; such an enthusiastic bunch of people. Good luck with your Salopian adventures - from my recent 20 years of existence in said county, the further towards the Marches is better as most of the street lit communities are part-night to save spondoolies. Fabulously dark, too....even where I lived before (a dozen or so miles from the Welsh border) with the West Midlands conurbations' light domes. If I was shielded by a hill or house, the Zenith and right down to the Western horizon is pretty dark...excellent structure in the Milky Way, M13 and M33 visible with the MK1 eyeballs. Good luck with getting a group together and I hope you enjoy the SAS sessions...
  24. I've just joined Shropshire Astro society as they appear to have some good observing sites. be good to get this group going again

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