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With the various threads about what astronomy means, and images etc, what part of astronomy do you enjoy the most.

I know people like Ian studies double stars, and Rog is into imagery. For me, it's the whole getting 'lost' in space. Looking through the EP and seeing galaxies millions of light years away, nebula which is both the birthplace and graveyard of the stars...

Also how many people can claim to see them with there own eyeballs? Seeing them in a picture is one thing, seeing them for real (even if it's not much too see) is something totally different.

Although I want to progress and learn imaging, the best for me is the visual with my eyeballs, not a microchip in a camera.

What makes you tick in our hobby?


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I suppose I'll try imaging in the future when funds allow it, but for now I'm happy staring through the eyepiece knowing that I'm doing what hundreds have done before me and experiencing the same thrills as they did.

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Again, all of the above.

I love to see the pictures appear on my computer screen, (from my scope and on the forum), and I love to see the detail in dim faint stuff through the eyepiece. I also enjoy learning about it and am actively doing "courses" at the minute. I find that all three come together really well and each individual part gives you an understanding that the others cannot.


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Besides not knowing what I'm doing I really enjoy viewing planets, the moon & the sun. I like to try and take my small scope to the limits by trying to find the brighter DSO (usually with little or no success) I should really improve my star hopping skills. I know where the objects should be but get disorientated when trying to move from star to star with the EQ mount.

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Still learning m'self - there's SO much up there to look for and that's a big part of it for me - the hunt. Have found more fuzzies with m'small scope since I got it, than I used to with larger scopes. Guess I have got a bit better at looking at last.

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I've just finished the stage of the buying the kit bit! I've spent more of the last three months deciding on what equipment to buy and have already had two OTAs and two mounts. Now that I'm happy with my kit and it's got a good home, I'll be getting out much more often.

At the moment, I'm an observer and a learner of the skies. I'm slowly getting to know the constellations and objects, which helps for actually getting a target in the EP. The sights through the eyepiece are awe inspiring.

I've managed a few poor shots of the moon, but eventually I'll be trying to show the world that film astrophotography is NOT dead!

I've also recently got into solar observing. There's an afocal shot in lunar/solar imaging coming up. I'll soon be making some solar caps for my binos.


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I've just finished the stage of the buying the kit bit!

I don't seem to be able to complete that stage :rolleyes:

.... so I'm running the having fun being a "sky tourist" (ie: seeing the sights) stage in parallel with it !!.

I like the simple approach - dump the scope down and look through it, although I'm increasingly doing a little reseach beforehand to identify a few specific targets. I get a real kick out of finding faint objects with modest equipment .... and a little help from my UHC-S filter.

I'll try imaging one day I suppose but I'm worried that it will add layers of complexity to the pastime which I don't want at the moment.


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I've just finished the stage of the buying the kit bit!

I don't seem to be able to complete that stage :rolleyes:

well, quite obviously, I haven't finished it for good!... I'm sure there'll be an HEQ5 before this time next year, but for the time being I can concentrate more on using it than upgrading it...


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With the various threads about what astronomy means, and images etc, what part of astronomy do you enjoy the most.

I know people like Ian studies double stars, and Rog is into imagery. For me, it's the whole getting 'lost' in space. Looking through the EP and seeing galaxies millions of light years away, nebula which is both the birthplace and graveyard of the stars...

Also how many people can claim to see them with there own eyeballs? Seeing them in a picture is one thing, seeing them for real (even if it's not much too see) is something totally different.

Although I want to progress and learn imaging, the best for me is the visual with my eyeballs, not a microchip in a camera.

What makes you tick in our hobby?


Yes Kain, I have to agree with your sentiment on visual astronomy. I have drank the wine of the visual cosmos for years.

Sure I have dabbled in astro photography. Even got quite serious about it for a while, trying like hell to get that wonderful image on film. It never seemed to happen to any level I was happy with. It was the sight of the globulars, the open clusters, galaxies, nebulae. double stars.

Planets. The whole visual experience. I have never tired of it and I never will. I will continue to defy the bitter cold to do what I love doing, and never losing that sense of wonder and beauty. I will attemt to glean some imaging success with the gear I have put together. If I succeed, then good. If not, I will be satisfied to look at the brilliant successes of others and enjoy their triumphs. But, as long as I can keep on looking through the eyepiece, I am knocking on heavens door.

Barkis. :rolleyes:

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I've always looked up to the stars and felt as if I am looking into eternity. Most people are so wrapped up in the down here their imagination doesn't stretch that far.

So getting a telescope was just an extension of that feeling. I've realised that lately I've forgotten that initial inspiration so thanks for reminding me.

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Admiring the beauty of it all, followed by the joy of finding things (getting better at the latter now I've got a decent finder!!). Just discovered solar observing with a PST and really enjoying that - seeing sunspots with swirls around them and flare is just Awesome!!


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I've been standing out under dark skies since my father (an RAF navigator in WW2) told me what to look for when I was about ten. I've looked at the same objects over and over again down the decades and its all as magical as it ever was. One of the incidental wonders is how much such a simple device as a telescope or binoculars can show you.

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A fine question and I have stolen my answer as I cannot do any better-

Mortal as I am, I know that I am born for a day. But when I follow at my pleasure the serried multitude of the stars in their circular course, my feet no longer touch the earth.

- Ptolemy,c.150 AD

Thats why I love it.


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I'm quite interested in imaging double stars Ian, thats why your studies stuck in my mind, especially your pictures of doubles you posted.

The measurement stuff right over my head, but it would be nice to image them, since the nebs are abit out my depth at the moment.


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Well I like peering into a reticle eye piece whilst drift aligning, thinking of sampling rates and pixel size, peering at my laptop at focussing data, setting exposure times and calibrating guide software. God why do I do this!

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Well I like peering into a reticle eye piece whilst drift aligning, thinking of sampling rates and pixel size, peering at my laptop at focussing data, setting exposure times and calibrating guide software. God why do I do this!

Because its fun :rolleyes: and you get to share some great pics.

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i like going to my observatory , sitting down and relaxing watching what i,m imaging , with a nice drink and something to eat, done 4 odd years visual , still like to have a peer in and out , but for me its imaging , the big challenge,

blimey theres martin thinking in Pixels there ,and me in thinking what can i buy next ehehheh , only joking ,


Rog :D :D :D :x all of theses things go with imaging , :rolleyes::wink:

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