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Hello from OR, USA -> SA, Australia


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Hello there!

I am a native Oregonian, however, I travel back and forth between the US and Australia often and am new to tubes full of glass that cost more than my first car.

I'm interested in mostly visual, but do have a Canon 550D and would like to give that a chance.

In general I've been leaning toward a Schmidt-Cassegrain due to size and when I go back and forth, I'd like to bring at least the tube on the plane with me and act like it weighs less than the ~7 kilogram limit or whatever it is. :rollseyes:

Through my reading I haven't read much push about the Celestron 8SE which is one I've been interested in, it seems inexpensive enough, but makes me wonder where the problem is.

Anywho, I did some looking up to the skies in the outback when I first got there and was thinking, what the...? It just didn't look the same, and made me think a lot about doing this.

Recently I accidentally forced myself into a little chunk of money sitting around by purchasing an iPad 2 for reselling on ebay, and after all the work of listing/standing in line first day it was out here in the US, the paypal/ebay/shipping stacked upto me making $1.24 cents and leaves me with a chunk of money in my paypal account that needs to be spent, because taking it out would cost more money, along with my tax return, and maybe some more if that doesn't solve my problem.

Anywho, I'll get back to reading the forum now. :D

Nice ta meetcha.

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Hi JHobbes,

A Celestron CGEM 8 HD would be a better choice if you really want to do astrophotography. I'd also add the fastar option (I got mine at starizona.com - they call it 'hyperstar' - you can order the whole rig from them - a very good dealer.)

Hyperstar lets you photograph at f/1.8 with a 200mm aperture lens on your camera! :D This very fast scope takes a lot of the burden out of needing super precise guiding for long exposure stuff. f/1.8 photos take 1/30 the exposure time of the same photo at the normal f/10 of a standard SCT telescope.


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