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Hi I'm Dave & it's nice to meet you.


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this looks like a decent forum with good feedback and civil people. I have been a member of iceinspace forum for a few years now, which is an Australian Astronomy forum.

Like this place, it too is full of useful information and friendly people. My first scope was a 12" dob which blew me away. I don't really have any friends that share my hobby, so look forward to sharing my obs with fellow forum members like yourselves.

I've been out of the loop for some time now, as I had to sell my scope during hard times. I now find myself preparing to put myself in a better situation with the goal of reclaiming my night time obsession of stargazing.

In the process of researching and "deciding" what best interested my observing sessions I came across this place many times to which I had to join in order to use the search function...LOL...but I do like the many well spirited posts so it's without hesitation that I say hello and look forward to meeting some of you.

In the mean time...I shall refine what type of observing I like to do:

Whilst the DSO's where a passion of mine through my 12" GSO Dob, I simply could not settle for the molted/cloudy and smudgy high mag views of the planets. I only had plossels but to be fair, although not thousand dollar ep's, they did a good job on most targets. The moon was awesome, but in the end I have no real comparison, other than what I read in places like here.

As well as wanting to do more with planets and watching transits (I was never satisfied with the results in a 12" dob...perhaps I am expecting too much) I like getting as close to stars as possible. I like to split doubles, I wonder about the star systems and weather I'm seeing binaries and so forth. I often wonder about start type, size and much more. I really don't know that much, but I do wonder a lot!

Rather than getting an all round scope like an 8" sct, I've been thinking more along the lines of a dedicated planetary scope around $2000.00 Australian dollars including mount...

Preferable...an EQ6pro for around $1500 and OTA for $1500

But in a package deal I may just get a scope of equal ability...but if not...I may just go for getting it in two parts...two separate Goals with performance in mind!

Anyways...I have plenty of time to think this one through :glasses1:

Imaging may be something in the future...BUT not really interested at this stage...As I really just like making the best of my limited time doing visuals.

I don't mind cool down times at all...when I say limited...I mean whole night sessions where I usually dedicate the whole night with the following day off! When I set up to view I do it for the whole shabang. Any quickveiwing sessions I may have will be with a cheap dob later on and my bino's.

I'm after a semi serous planetary scope full stop. I can't justify $5000.00au straight up, (my wife would kill me!) but I could work on the mount and OTA separately at around 1500 each...Maybe at the Most possible squeeze...2000 on OTA but it would have to be worth the extra 500!

That's enough dreaming...but they are my goals relating to my reentry into this awesome hobby:)

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Welcome :glasses1: I know it will be a struggle but maybe think about dragging the scope to a meet up near you, then you could test ep's (from friendly others) and see what suits you and the scope, given good skies of course

All the best


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hi dave and welcome to the forum,i also love doules and your right about the old high mag planets .am on the humt for a refractor for the planets but can not justify so much cash on the planets ,i`ll stick with dso`s for now theyare great

cheers pat

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